- John Thomas of Far West Laboratory in San Fransico was the SIGs first chair. He, and William Rohwer Jr., organized a preconference meeting inviting several researchers whom research addressed issues of learning in academia. This meeting resulted in the creation of the Academic Studying SIG.
- SIG originated in the spring of 1986 at the 25-year anniversary of AERA hosted in San Francisco.
- SIG first sessions were sponsored at the conference in Washington, DC in 1987. The symposium was entitled “Promoting Effective Studying” and the paper session was entitled “Student Learning and Study Strategies.”
- At the suggestion of Barry Zimmerman, our SIGs name was changed from “Academic Studying” to “Studying and Self-Regulating Learning” during the 1991 meeting in Chicago. The next year in San Francisco, the name appeared in the conference guide as “Studying and Self-Directed Learning.”
- SIG sponsored Graduate Student Research Award Fellowships were awarded for the first time at the 2007 annual AERA business meeting.
- In 2012, SSRL SIG hosted its first annual dinner in Vancouver at Joe Fortes’ restaurant.
- First Poster Recognition Award was presented during the 2013 AERA annual meeting in San Francisco.
- The Graduate Student Mentoring Program began at the 2014 AERA annual meeting in Philadelphia, PA giving graduates students to opportunity to get involved with a professional and nurturing network and advance their research ideas and skills.
- The first Barry J. Zimmerman Award for Outstanding Contributions was awarded to Dale H. Schunk at our 2015 business meeting in Chicago, IL.
- The Pay it Forward Campaign was initiated to help financially assist students at a local DC school, Neval Thomas Elementary School, who come from families who often do not have money for pencils, notebooks, and other basic supplies.
- The SSRL Graduate Student Committee was formed with the aim to provide graduate students in the SIG opportunities to network, promote scholarly collaboration, provide a platform for students to present current research/work, and so much more!