News & Announcements

SIG Newsletters

Listserv Information

An announcement listserv has been set up for the Family, School, Community Partnerships. The purpose of the announcement listserv is to provide the SIG Chair an effective communication tool with which important information about the SIG and AERA can be communicated to SIG members in a timely manner. The announcement listserv uses an e-mail distribution list of all current members of the Family, School, Community Partnership SIG. The list is updated by the Central Office on a monthly basis to ensure that all new SIG members can be included. 

We try to compile announcements to be sent out to membership via the quarterly newsletter. Please submit any news you would like to share with this form. Previous newsletters are available here: 

Fall 2020

Spring 2021

We know that some information needs to be shared more frequently than the newsletter. To send out an announcement to SIG members, please send a message to Yolanda Abel. Please note that the listserv is text-based, and is not conducive to large file attachments. Subscription to the listserv is entirely voluntary and a member can terminate the subscription at any time.