Classroom Management: SIG 19


Classroom Management SIG Purpose

To promote research on classroom management and organization, alternative discipline models, group and learner social interactions, and approaches to teacher education towards these ends.

#Message from SIG Chair
#Who We Are
#News and Announcements
#Meetings and Other Events
#Professional Development Opportunities
Key Initiatives

SIG Leadership Message

Dana L. Haraway is the current Classroom Management SIG Chair. Her welcome message is forthcoming. Additional information about our group can be obtained from our SIG Program Chair, Renee L. Garaway. The SIG Chair Elect is Dorothy E. Hines. Karen McIntush is our treasurer. Our SIG Digital content coordinator is Kay Brocato. Other digital outreach leaders are Tom Adams and James Hernandez.  Simply click the live-link with each name to send mail to any of our leaders. 

Who We Are

visit to the AERA paper repository provides a historical record of who we are as a Special Interest Group. Click the link above or cut and paste this web address into your web browser to review Classroom Management SIG manuscripts presented at Annual Conference from 2010 to the most recent meeting. Use the search feature and the SIG name of “classroom management” as the most logical, comprehensive listing of our SIG scholarship. This array of scholarship provides the most complete identity of who we are as a SIG.


To join the Classroom Management SIG, AERA members pay an additional $15.00 for regular members and $5 for student members per year. The joining task can me completed by visiting our "Join/Renew" page at

To learn about the AERA membership categories visit the page describing each type linked here. AERA membership types include categories for voting and non-voting individuals. Voting membership types include Regular (MA), Regular‐Early Career (STEC), Retired (RET), Graduate Student (ST), Cohort Student (STC). Non‐Voting membership types include Affiliate (AS), Student Affiliate (SA), International Affiliate (IA), International Affiliate – Low Income Countries (IAL). 

Currently our sig has members in Switzerland, Taiwan, Germany, Netherlands, Canada and twenty-two different states in the U.S. dditionally, volunteering for the service of SIG leadership provides the benefit of access to full membership lists with data including current, past, and lapsed membership information, as well as listings of current SIG officers and SIG financial statements. Come to the annual business meeting to consider becoming a member and taking a leadership role.

News and Announcements

Content is forthcoming here. Stay tuned.

Meetings and Other Events

Our SIG holds a standard business meeting each year at annual convention. Additionally, paper, roundtable, poster, keynote, short course, and special research sessions at annual convention are scheduled based on a formula which involves use of metrics like number of SIG members, number of papers submitted to the SIG for review, number of papers presented in the previous years’ convention(s) etc. SIG members are invited to use the national and international professional relationships garnered from these standard annual meetings to spin out additional programming throughout the academic year and summer or holiday months. Digital meetings and offerings which can be created and offered globally to further the scholarship of our SIG are encouraged and conversations about such may be best brought forward at our annual business meeting. Other opportunities to roll out additional SIG program may be crafted by any SIG member after use of best practices to gather SIG engagement and input. Contact the SIG leadership for mor information.  


The AERA Classroom Management SIG offers an Outstanding Paper award each convention year named the Carol Weinstein Outstanding Paper Award after one of our powerful SIG pioneers, our mentor, and our friend, Dr. Carol Weinstein. Other Organization-wide award are the Outstanding Book Award, Early Career Award,  Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award, E. F. Lindquist Award, Palmer O. Johnson Memorial Award, and the Review of Research Award. All are described here. Classroom Management SIG members who wish to apply for our SIG spcialized award or any of the AERA organization-wide AERA awards are encouraged to work with SIG leadership for support, advice, and guidance through the application process. 

Professional Development Opportunities

Seeking advice from the pioneers of our SIG is a great way to engage self and others in organic professional development. Student groups could benefit greatly from digital real time conversations from some of the log time leaders who have remained active SIG members. Carol Weinstein, Ed Emmer, Theo Wubbels, Jerome Freiberg, to name a few, are current members and have been loyal the AERA Classroom Management SIG for many years. Each of these gracious classroom management pioneering scholars would certainly entertain electronic mail connection with budding classroom management scholars. Reach out to SIG contact to otbtain these and other SIG member e-mail addresses.

Key Initiatives

Managing our Annual Meeting content is our primary work. Each year, our Auunual Meeting SIG content will become available here on our official webspace by way of links to the papers and awards selected for recognition at the annual meeting.  By mid-May each year members may access our "key initiatives" via the content from our program papers and the descriptions of awards recipients. 

Additionally, maintaining a periodic new issue of the Handbook of Classroom Management is a key initiative of our SIG. Search these titles and authors from our 2024 Conference Program for our SIG’s most recent research on classroom management

  • A colorful art on a brick wall  Description automatically generated
    Friday, April 12
    Friday, April 12, 2024; 7:45 to 9:15am; Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 401Session Type: Paper SessionSession Title: Culturally Responsive Classroom Management: Improving Outcomes for Diverse Students
    Friday, April 12, 2024; 9:35 to 11:05am; Pennsylvania Convention Center, Second Floor, Exhibit Hall B Session Type: Roundtable SessionSession Title: Improving Classroom Management of Teachers and Paraeducators
    Friday, April 12, 2024; 6:45 to 8:15pm; Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Level 4, Room 402Session Type: Business Meeting
    Session Title: Classroom Management SIG Business Meeting
    Friday, April 12, 2024; 8:15 to 9:45pm; Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Level 4, Franklin 8
    Session Type: Reception-- Joint, Multi-SIG
    Classroom Management; Montessori; and Brain, Neuroscience, & Education SIGS