We send biweekly announcements via our Listserv. All active members receive the announcements to the email associated with their AERA membership. To submit an announcements you can do so here.
Social Media
Please join our Bilingual Education Research SIG Facebook group and follow us on Twitter and Instagram for the latest SIG news and announcements.
SIG Newsletters
To access an archive of past newsletters, click here.
Listserv Information
To send out an announcement to SIG members, please send a message to the SIG Communications Chair.
Policies & Instructions for AERA SIG Announcement Listservs
AERA’s announcement listservs are a wonderful and efficient way of keeping SIG members involved in and informed about SIG proceedings and new, relevant research. Please take a moment to learn about or review policies and appropriate use of AERA SIG Listservs.
Listserv Announcers
Announcement listservs are announcer-based only, which means that only approved officers can submit postings to the listserv. On Form A, SIGs were asked to submit the email addresses of the officers that are authorized to post to the SIG listserv. If any updates are needed, the SIG Chair must send an email to requesting the update.
Please note:
1) Any posting submitted from an unapproved email address will bounce. If you believe your posting did not go through, please contact and we will check the status of your posting.
2) Prominently include your personal email address with all postings so that any replies or questions can be sent directly to you. Messages sent by recipients replying to the listserv will go to the AERA listserv administrator. AERA will make good faith effort to forward replies to the appropriate listserv announcer, but this process is faster and easier for all parties if announcers just include their email addresses.
3) Do not send attachments or very long messages to the listserv. The listservs are text-based and designed to work with short- to medium-length messages, but will not distribute attachments or long emails. If you have a long message or attachment to be sent out, please contact and the AERA Central Office Staff will work with you to distribute this information.
Listserv Recipients
All SIG announcement listservs are updated on a monthly basis. This is to assure that new SIG members will begin receiving postings. If you hear from a SIG member that s/he has not received the listserv postings, please have that member contact directly and we will work with the member to resolve the issue.
*Please note that the listserv is text-based, and is not conducive to large file attachments.
** Please also note that this listserv should only be used for professional purposes like sharing important information and resources, announcing conferences, jobs, and call for proposals or papers. It is not appropriate to advertise books or promote other specific products on this listserv.