Adult Literacy & Adult Education SIG 4


Education Research and Special Education Research Grant Programs

NCER is inviting applications, due September 12, 2024, for new awards for fiscal year (FY) 2025 for the Education Research and Special Education Research Grant Programs. IES intends to provide national leadership in expanding knowledge and understanding of (1) developmental and school readiness outcomes for infants and toddlers with or at risk for a disability, (2) education outcomes for all learners from early childhood education through postsecondary and adult education, and (3) employment and wage outcomes when relevant (such as for those engaged in career and technical, postsecondary, or adult education). 

Ascendium announces new grants

Ascendium has approved over $58 million in grants to enhance postsecondary education and workforce training for learners from low-income backgrounds. The funding supports community college workforce initiatives, strengthens institutional capacities, backs high-quality sectoral training programs, promotes evidence-based practices, and expands postsecondary education in prison. These investments target the removal of structural barriers and fostering of equitable opportunities for student success.