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Owner: Rachel F. Dickler-Mann
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Paper Title: Analyzing Student-Teacher Discourse Prompted by a Real-Time Alerting Dashboard for Science Inquiry Practices
Session Title: Advanced Technologies for Learning Roundtable Session
Paper Type: Roundtable Presentation
Presentation Date: 4/8/2021
Presentation Location: Virtual
Descriptors: Data-driven decision making, Science Education, Technology
Methodology: Mixed Method
Author(s): Rachel F. Dickler, University of Colorado - Boulder; Mariel O'Brien, Rutgers University; Janice Gobert, Rutgers University; Joseph Olsen, Rutgers University; Amy Elise Adair, Rutgers University; Huma Hussain-Abidi, Rutgers University
Unit: SIG-Advanced Technologies for Learning
Abstract: Educational technologies have made strides toward assessing and supporting students’ scientific inquiry practice competencies. For example, the innovative dashboard, Inq-Blotter, provides teachers with real-time alerts on students’ inquiry competencies based on algorithms in the intelligent tutoring system, Inq-ITS. It is essential to both understand and analyze the conversations prompted by Inq-Blotter alerts as well as their relationship to students’ subsequent inquiry performance. Analyses reveal that rich teacher-student discourse and explicit discussion of inquiry practices were associated with student improvements from the first to second opportunity on the practice on which they were helped. This study demonstrates how technology instrumented to do fine-grained assessment and alerting on students’ science inquiry competencies can support both teachers’ pedagogical decisions and students’ learning.