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Owner: Yilang Zhao
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Paper Title: Exploring Self-Reflection in a Playful Learning Experience
Session Title: Division C Cognitive Processes Roundtable
Paper Type: Roundtable Presentation
Presentation Date: 4/8/2021
Presentation Location: Virtual
Descriptors: Cognitive Processes/Development, Metacognition, Video Games
Methodology: Mixed Method
Author(s): Yilang Zhao, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Matthew Berland, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction
Abstract: This paper presents a preliminary study in which a study was conducted to research how self-reflection can influence learner’s playstyle in a playful learning experience. The participants were asked to play a music studio simulator game with a “think aloud” protocol. Epistemic Network Analysis (ENA), a mixed research method, was applied to analyze their discourse data. We discovered that encouraging self-reflection in playful learning experiences would make learners play more slowly and thoughtfully.