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Owner: Rachel F. Dickler-Mann
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Paper Title: Exploring the Transfer of Students' Competencies From Virtual Inquiry to Hands-On Inquiry
Session Title: Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications in Education
Paper Type: Session Paper
Presentation Date: 4/20/2020
Presentation Location: Online
Descriptors: Computers and Learning, Science Education, Technology
Methodology: Quantitative
Author(s): Rachel Fallon Dickler, Rutgers University; Janice Gobert, Rutgers University; Charity Staudenraus, Apprendis; Rinat Levy-Cohen, Ramaz Middle School
Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction
Abstract: NGSS (2013) emphasizes the need to develop students’ inquiry competencies so that they are transferrable across contexts. We used a quasi-experimental design to investigate whether students’ learning in Inq-ITS virtual labs would transfer to performance on inquiry practices in hands-on investigations. Fifty-one middle school students completed a hands-on lab as a baseline on hypothesizing, collecting data, and analyzing data. Students then completed 0-3 virtual investigations in the Inq-ITS system before completing a second hands-on lab. A repeated measures MANOVA indicated that after completing 2-3 Inq-ITS labs, students began to show greater improvement on and transfer of practices (particularly hypothesizing and collecting data) on their second hands-on lab, when compared to a group who did 0-1 Inq-ITS virtual labs.