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Owner: Rachel F. Dickler-Mann
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Paper Title: Comparing Robustness of Teacher Support Patterns in Response to Dashboard Alerts Using Epistemic Network Analyses
Session Title: Instructional Technology Systems and Tools
Paper Type: Paper
Presentation Date: 4/18/2020
Presentation Location: Online
Descriptors: Instructional Technology, Science Education, Technology
Methodology: Mixed Method
Author(s): Rachel Fallon Dickler, Rutgers University; Janice Gobert, Rutgers University
Unit: SIG-Advanced Technologies for Learning
Abstract: Technologies such as dashboards support teachers’ real-time monitoring and assessment of their students’ learning. In the present study, we investigated the robustness of teacher support based on the dashboard, Inq-Blotter, in relation to students’ inquiry performance across activities in an intelligent tutoring system (Inq-ITS). We used epistemic network analysis to investigate the patterns in the discursive supports provided to students by teachers. Results indicated that most students’ inquiry improved after receiving teachers’ help but there was variance in the types and patterns of teacher support that were empirically related to students’ improvement. Overall, this study used innovative tools to understand the patterns that led to students’ improvement on inquiry practices across activities.