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Owner: Michael Sao Pedro
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Paper Title: Can an Alerting Teacher Dashboard Improve How Teachers Help Their Students Learn Science Inquiry Practices?
Session Title: Advanced Technologies for Learning Paper Session
Paper Type: Paper
Presentation Date: 4/6/2019
Presentation Location: Toronto, Canada
Descriptors: Instructional Technology, Learning Environments, Middle Schools
Methodology: Quantitative
Author(s): Michael Sao Pedro, Apprendis; Janice Gobert, Rutgers University; Rachel Fallon Dickler, Rutgers University
Unit: SIG-Advanced Technologies for Learning
Abstract: For teachers, meeting the expectation to both teach and assess science practices in accordance with the Next Generation Science Standards is challenging due to the lack of resources for monitoring and scaffolding students. This paper presents a preliminary randomized study to test the effectiveness of an alerting teacher dashboard, Inq-Blotter, that notifies teachers as to which students are struggling and how they are struggling with inquiry during online investigations in Inq-ITS. Inq-Blotter alerts provide teachers with actionable data. Our results suggest that teachers’ help, driven by the information in alerts, improves student performance on the science practice of data analysis.