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Table of Contents
Feature Articles
Dynamic Diversity: Toward a Contextual Understanding of Critical Mass
Liliana M. Garces and Uma M. Jayakumar
Educational Researcher April 2014 43: 115-124
Mitigating the Dangers of a Single Story: Creating Large-Scale Writing Assessments Aligned With Sociocultural Theory
Nadia Behizadeh
Educational Researcher April 2014 43: 125-136
Beyond a Definition: Toward a Framework for Designing and Specifying Mentoring Models
Phillip Dawson
Educational Researcher April 2014 43: 137-145
Toward Teacher Education Research That Informs Policy
Christine Sleeter
Educational Researcher April 2014 43: 146-153
Using Educative Curriculum Materials to Support the Development of Prospective Teachers’ Knowledge
Corey Drake, Tonia J. Land, and Andrew M. Tyminski
Educational Researcher April 2014 43: 154-162