Study: Tougher academic standards raising school drop-out rate
Consumer Affairs, August 19, 2014
More Math and Science Courses trigger Higher Dropout Rates among High School Students, Study
University Herald, August 19, 2014
Study: Dropout risk goes up with higher math/science hurdle
The Seattle Times (Education Lab Blog), August 14, 2014
The downside of high school science requirements: More dropouts, August 12, 2014
Does Raising High School Grad Requirements Work?, August 6, 2014
Lack of maths prerequisites ‘leads students to drop out’
The Australian, July 29, 2014
Compulsory maths study lifts dropouts
The Australian, July 23, 2014
Unintended consequences of raising state math, science graduation requirements
Daily Kos, July 16, 2014
Raising State Math, Science Graduation Requirements Will Mean More Dropouts
Science 2.0, July 15, 2014
Tougher High School Exit Criteria May Not Boost College Prospects, Study Says
Education Week, July 15, 2014
More math in school means more drop-outs, July 15, 2014
Study: Raising math, science course graduation requirements can boost dropout rate
(article link not available)
POLITICO Pro, July 15, 2014