AERA Announces 2018 Award Winners in Education Research

For Immediate Release


April 2, 2018


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AERA Announces 2018 Award Winners in Education Research

WASHINGTON, D.C., April 2 – The American Educational Research Association (AERA) has announced the winners of its 2018 awards for excellence in education research. AERA will honor the recipients for their outstanding scholarship and service at the sixth annual Awards Luncheon, April 15, at the AERA Annual Meeting in New York City.

“This year’s award winners exemplify commitment to the study and practice of education,” said AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine. “We are proud to honor their outstanding scholarship and service to the field.”


Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award
Recipient: Gloria J. Ladson-Billings (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
The Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award is the premier acknowledgment of outstanding achievement and success in education research. It is designed to publicize, motivate, encourage, and suggest models for education research at its best. 





Sarah Dryden-Peterson_Headshot




Palmer O. Johnson Memorial Award
Recipients: Sarah Dryden-Peterson (Harvard University), Negin Dahya (University of Washington), and Elizabeth Adelman (Harvard University) 

Pathways to Educational Success Among Refugees: Connecting Locally and Globally Situated Resources.” American Educational Research Journal, Volume 54, Issue 6, July 2017.
This award recognizes the lifelong achievement of Palmer O. Johnson as a dedicated educator and for his pioneering work in educational research and methodology. The award is given for an outstanding article appearing in an AERA-sponsored publication.

lewis3E.F. Lindquist Award
Recipient: Charles Lewis (Fordham University/ETS) 
This award is presented jointly by AERA and ACT in recognition of outstanding applied or theoretical research in the field of testing and measurement. The award is meant to acknowledge a body of research of an empirical, theoretical, or integrative nature rather than a single study.





Early Career Award
Recipient: Julie R. Posselt (University of Southern California)
Established to honor an individual in the early stages of his or her career no later than 10 years after receipt of the doctoral degree, this award is granted for study in any field of educational inquiry.






Outstanding Book Award
Recipient: Ezekiel Dixon-Roman (University of Pennsylvania)
Inheriting Possibility: Social Reproduction and Quantification in Education
The Outstanding Book Award was established to acknowledge and honor the year’s best book-length publication in education research and development.





Social Justice in Education Award
Recipient: Sylvia Hurtado (University of California, Los Angeles)
Established in 2004, the Social Justice in Education Award honors an individual who has advanced social justice through education research and exemplified the goal of linking education research to social justice.




Distinguished Public Service Award
Recipient: Donna E. Shalala (University of Miami)
This award is granted annually in recognition of an individual who has worked to enact or implement policies that are well grounded in education research, or who has been at the forefront of efforts to increase recognition and support for education research.




Distinguished Contributions to Gender Equity in Education Research Award
Recipient: Kristen Renn (Michigan State University)
Established in 2006, the Distinguished Contributions to Gender Equity in Education Research Award recognizes individuals within AERA for distinguished research, professional practice, and activities that advance public understanding of gender and/or sexuality at any level in the education community.



Excellence in Media Reporting on Education Research
Recipient: Matt Barnum (Chalkbeat)
Established in 2016, this award recognizes a person who has made noteworthy contributions to reporting on findings, bodies of research, or scholarship in the field of education research in any medium of public communication. The award honors a media professional whose work exemplifies promoting a broader vision of the value of education research to society.



Exemplary Contributions to Practice-Engaged Research
Recipient: Angela Calabrese Barton (Michigan State University)
This award is presented to an education research scholar or scholars in recognition of collaborative project(s) between researchers and practitioners that have had sustained and observable effects on contexts of practice.






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Outstanding Public Communication of Education Research
Recipients: Roberta Golinkoff (University of Delaware) and Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek (Temple University) 
This award honors scholars exemplary in their capacity to communicate the importance of education research to the broad public, including education communities. It recognizes scholars who have excelled in conveying important findings and research to wide audiences and who have demonstrated the capacity to deepen understanding and appreciation of the value of education research in the public sphere.






Review of Research Award
Recipients: Katherine Muenks (Indiana University Bloomington) and David B. Miele (Boston College) 
Students’ Thinking About Effort and Ability: The Role of Developmental, Contextual, and Individual Difference Factors.Review of Educational Research, Volume 87, Issue 4, February 2017.
This award is given in recognition of an outstanding review of research article appearing in the Review of Research in Education or the Review of Educational Research.

Committee on Scholars of Color in Education Awards 

The AERA Committee on Scholars of Color in Education awards are intended to recognize (a) scholars at different stages in their careers who have made significant contributions to the understanding of issues that disproportionately affect minority populations, and (b) minority scholars who have made a significant contribution to education research and development.   

• Scholars of Color Distinguished Career Contribution Award
Recipient: Rubén Donato (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Presented to a senior-level scholar, usually 20 years or more after his or her receipt of a doctoral degree.




Kakali Bhattacharya_Headshot636579545698244215

Scholars of Color Mid-Career Contribution Award
Recipient: Kakali Bhattacharya (Kansas State Univeristy)
Presented to a scholar in midcareer who is beyond the first level of professional appointment and for whom 10 or more years have passed since receipt of the doctoral degree. 







Nicole Joseph_Headshot• Scholars of Color Early Career Contribution Award
Recipient: Nicole M. Joseph (Vanderbilt University)
Presented to a scholar who is within the first decade of his or her career after receipt of a doctoral degree.






About AERA
The American Educational Research Association (AERA) is the largest national interdisciplinary research association devoted to the scientific study of education and learning. Founded in 1916, AERA advances knowledge about education, encourages scholarly inquiry related to education, and promotes the use of research to improve education and serve the public good. Find AERA on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram

