AERA Hosts Division K Teacher Education Summit
Division K held its Fifth Annual Summit on Teacher Education at AERA headquarters September 12–13, with a special focus on exploring innovative approaches to addressing current challenges and sharing information on promising research, practice, and policy. Read more
Science Policy News

AAU Urges Robust Federal Support of the Social
and Behavioral Sciences
In response to growing criticism on Capitol Hill of federal funding for the social and behavioral sciences, the executive committee of the Association of American Universities issued a statement on September 17 urging Congress and the Obama administration "to provide robust funding for federal research agencies without inappropriate restrictions." Read more
IES and NSF Release Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development
The Institute of Education Sciences and the National Science Foundation have released a report, “Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development.” Read more
House Education Hearing Focuses on Strengthening IES
The House Education and the Workforce Committee held a hearing on September 10, “Education Research: Exploring Opportunities to Strengthen the Institute of Education Sciences,” as a first step in reauthorizing the law governing the federal education research agency. Read more
U.S. Science Laureate Bill Proves Controversial
The U.S. Science Laureate Bill was thought to be an easy pass, but on September 10, it hit a road block. Read more
Reports of Interest to Ed Researchers
NCES Releases Several New Reports
Since late August the National Center for Education Statistics has released a number of reports of significance to the education research community, spanning early childhood to postsecondary education. Read more
Research Opportunities
AAAS Accepting Applications for Policy Fellowships for Social Scientists
The AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships provide social scientists, including members of the education research community, with a learning opportunity to explore the intersection of science and policy. Read more
NSF Invites Proposals for STEM Education Research
The Discovery Research K–12 program at the National Science Foundation invites research and development proposals that address immediate challenges facing pre-K–12 STEM education, as well as those that anticipate radically different structures and functions of pre-K–12 teaching and learning. Read more
Beyond AERA
Take Note: Registration Opens for COSSA Annual Colloquium
The Consortium of Social Science Associations will host its annual Colloquium on Social and Behavioral Science and Public Policy at the Embassy Row Hotel in Washington, D.C., November
4–5. Read more
AERA Highlights is published by the American Educational Research Association monthly in order to inform members and others interested in education research about the latest news and developments in AERA and in the field.
Editor: Felice J. Levine
Managing Editors: Tony Pals and John Neikirk
Contributors: Lauren E. Green, Phat Nguyen, Christy Talbot, and Martha Yager