AERA Comments on NSF's New Rules for Complying with Congressional Restrictions

AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine released a statement regarding the National Science Foundation’s June 7 notice on implementation of the 2013 Federal Continuing Appropriations Act provisions affecting NSF’s political science program. The act, passed by Congress in March, requires NSF to fund only political science research that is shown to advance “the national security or the economic interests of the United States.”
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AERA Seeks Inaugural Editor for AERA Open
AERA’s Journal Publications Committee invites nominations and applications for the inaugural editorship of
AERA Open, a new peer-reviewed, open access journal. The committee is seeking an innovative and experienced scholar to serve as editor(s) for a three-year term. With an emphasis on rapid review and dissemination,
AERA Open aims to advance knowledge through theoretical and empirical study across arenas of inquiry related to education and learning.
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Special Issue Planned for EEPA
A special issue of
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, titled “Research Using Longitudinal Student Data Systems: Findings, Lessons, and Prospects,” will focus on papers from researchers who have worked with states, districts, and other practitioners to formulate research questions and use administrative data sets to answer those questions.
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AERA and Other Societies Hold Hill Briefing on Diversity in Science
AERA, along with other member organizations in the Collaborative for Enhancing Diversity in Science (CEDS), held a congressional briefing on June 6 to highlight findings from a recently released report on developing common metrics to evaluate and understand diversity initiatives across the science disciplines and fields.
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Beyond AERA
WERA Invites Submissions for Focal Conference
The World Education Research Association (WERA) invites submissions for papers and symposia for the WERA Focal Meeting to be held in Guanajuato, Mexico, November 18–22, 2013.
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OSTP Releases STEM Education Strategic Plan
Late last month, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy released a five-year STEM education strategic plan, which lays out the Obama administration’s vision for.
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IES Board Addresses Belt Tightening and Research Utilization
The June 3 meeting of the National Board for Education Sciences, which oversees the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), focused on three major issues of importance to the education research community.
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NCES Releases Condition of Education 2013
Last month the National Center for Education Statistics released the annual
Condition of Education report. Read more
Upcoming AERA Deadlines

Call for Annual Meeting Submissions
AERA encourages members and other education researchers to participate in the 2014 AERA Annual Meeting, to be held Thursday, April 3–Monday, April 7, in Philadelphia, Pa.
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Call for PD Courses for 2014 Annual Meeting
The AERA Professional Development and Training Committee is now accepting course proposals for the 2014 AERA Annual Meeting.
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Call for Research Conference Proposals
AERA invites proposals for education research conferences that break new ground in substantive areas of inquiry, stimulate new lines of study on issues that have been largely unexplored, or develop innovative research methods or techniques that can contribute more generally to education research.
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Grants Program Call for Research and Dissertation Grant Proposals
AERA is currently accepting proposals for research and dissertation grants. The deadline to submit proposals is Thursday, September 5.
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AERA Highlights is published by the American Educational Research Association monthly in order to inform members and others interested in education research about the latest news and developments in AERA and in the field.
Editor: Felice J. Levine
Managing Editors: Tony Pals and John Neikirk
Contributors: Kevin Dieterle, Phat Nguyen, Christy Talbot, George Wimberly, and Martha Yager