AERA Launches 2024 Open Access Online Paper Repository and i-Presentation Gallery

July 2024

On July 29, AERA opened both the 2024 Online Paper Repository and the 2024 i-Presentation Gallery. As of this month, 4,186 full-text papers were added to Repository and 2,080 presentations to the Gallery. The Repository and Gallery provide open access to the content of paper, roundtable, and poster sessions and symposia from the AERA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, April 11-14.

For the Repository, the 4,186 papers represent 45 percent of the papers presented at the meeting. In total, over 58,000 papers from the past 15 AERA Annual Meetings are available online. Since 2017, each full-text paper has been assigned a digital object identifier (DOI), which allows for persistent discoverability and accurate citation.

The Repository is a searchable resource, with abstracts of all scientific presentations given at AERA Annual Meetings since 2010. AERA encourages all presenters to make their full-text papers available to the repository as a way to disseminate their research more widely, enhance use, and allow for appropriate acknowledgment.

The i-Presentation Gallery includes thousands of presentations from the 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020 Annual Meetings. Users of the Gallery are able to see and hear annual meeting presentations in a web-based format; search by AERA division, SIG, or other submission unit; or look up by keyword or method. They are also able to search through an open-field box for authors, abstracts, titles, or institutions. Users worldwide can contact authors through the Gallery and send messages to schedule a live video or written chat.  

For authors, the Gallery provides a user-friendly vehicle to display their paper presentations in a dynamic format that allows an overall narration as well as audio or video capture within any slide. Authors can activate a chat function and also schedule virtual sessions to meet up with other interested scholars. Through this portal, authors can receive messages and/or respond to Q&A on a continuing basis. All presentations receive a unique digital object identifier (DOI) that makes authors’ work easier to discover, locate, and cite.

AERA Executive Director Felice Levine encourages “education research scholars worldwide to benefit from using the Online Paper Repository and the i-Presentation Gallery—connecting with the latest research and also with those deeply involved in the knowledge production enterprise.”

“My advice is to visit these open access products not just once but often, build upon and cite the latest work in progress, and reach out to other authors working in areas of shared interest,” said Levine. “It is one way we make the Annual Meeting a continuous enterprise.”

For information about papers presented at an AERA Annual Meeting before 2010, please visit the online program for that meeting (programs are available on the AERA website back to 2005). Those seeking full-text papers presented at AERA Annual Meetings before 2010 or not included in the Repository subsequently need to contact the authors directly.