Click here for a PDF version of the AERA Brochure
AERA staff link reporters with education researchers who represent a range of research interests, from early childhood education to education policy and analysis, and can serve as sources for background information or quotes. Each year at the AERA Annual Meeting, researchers make hundreds of presentations that preview new research findings and suggest innovative angles for insightful education coverage.
AERA can connect reporters with the latest research and prominent researchers on key education topics, at all levels of education. These include, but aren’t limited to:
- Student testing
- Teacher assessment
- Equity in higher education
- School safety and bullying
- Early education
- Technology and learning
- Science and math education
- Bilingual learning and literacy
- Research ethics
For experts on all topics in education, education resources and pertinent findings, contact
AERA Communications at (202) 238-3200.
Media Contacts
Tony Pals, Director
(202) 238-3235
Marla Koenigsknecht, Associate
(202) 238-3233
General Information
American Educational Research Association
1430 K Street, NW, Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20005
AERA, a national research society, strives to advance knowledge about education, to encourage scholarly inquiry related to education, and to promote the use of research to improve education and serve the public good.
1916 to strengthen education through research.
Approximately 25,000 educational researchers in the United States and abroad, including college and university professors, leaders in school systems, federal, state and local agencies, foundations and the private sector.
Each of AERA’s 12 Divisions focuses on a substantive professional area. Divisions include Administration, Organization, and Leadership (A), Curriculum Studies (B), Learning and Instruction (C), Measurement and Research Methodology (D), Counseling and Human Development (E), History and Historiography (F), Social Context of Education (G), Research, Evaluation, and Assessment in Schools (H), Education in the Professions (I), Postsecondary Education (J), Teaching and Teacher Education (K), and Educational Policy and Politics (L).
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
More than 160 topics, ranging from literacy to technology in the classroom, command AERA members’ attention through SIGs. Learn more
AERA publishes peer-reviewed journals, including AERA Open (AERA's open access journal), Educational Researcher (available free online), American Educational Research Journal, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Review of Educational Research, and an annual Review of Research in Education. The Association publishes important books, such as Studying Diversity in Teacher Education; the Handbook of Education Policy Research; Studying Teacher Education; Black Education; the Handbook of Research on Teaching; Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (a joint publication with the American Psychological Association and National Council on Measurement in Education); Handbook of Complementary Methods in Education Research; and Estimating Causal Effects Using Experimental and Observational Designs.
Tyrone Howard, AERA President
University of California, Los Angeles
Felice J. Levine, Executive Director
Annual Meeting
2024, April 11 – 14, Philadelphia, PA