2016 Annual Meeting Webcasts

A total of 14 webcasts from the 2016 Annual Meeting are available to watch, including six major addresses, lectures, and events and eight presidential sessions. Scroll down to view all webcasts.

Major Addresses and Lectures

AERA Distinguished Lecture: Linda Darling-Hammond
Session Hashtag: #AERAHammond

Opening Plenary Session - Centennial Symposium
Session Hashtag: #AERA100th

Awards Luncheon
Session Hashtag: #AERAAwards

AERA Presidential Address: Jeannie Oakes
Session Hashtag: #AERAPres

Wallace Foundation Distinguished Lecture: Warren Simmons
Session Hashtag: #AERAWallace

Special Event: Dr. Jill Biden
Session Hashtag: #AERAJillBiden


Selected Presidential Sessions

Writing Our Way Into the Public Sphere

Public Scholars on the Social Impact of School-Related Inequalities: Perspectives from Multiple Disciplines

Can Public Scholarship Help School Finance Policy Meet the Challenge of Increasing Diversity?

#BlackGirlsMatter: Public Scholarship Engaging with the Race/Gender Interaction in Schools
Session Hashtag: #AERABlackGirlsMatter

Public Scholarship and #BlackLivesMatter: New Directions for Research and Policy, K Through College
Session Hashtag: #AERABLM
Career Threats and Opportunities: What Is the Role of Social Media in Public Scholarship?
Session Hashtag: #AERAPubScholar

How Public Scholarship Helped Put School Integration Back on the Public Agenda

How Much Testing and for What Purpose? Public Scholarship in the Debate about Educational Assessment and Accountability
Session Hashtag: #AERAHowMuchTesting