Registration Information and Rates
AERA registration is now open. All registration services will be provided by ExpoLogic. To obtain help with your registration, please contact Registration Support at or call (800) 893-7950 or (484) 751-5136. Registration must be completed before access to the housing portal can be obtained.
Registration – Open as of January 11 - Early Bird registration ends March 15, 2022
How to Register:
1. Login.
2. Click My AERA at the top of the page.
3. On the My AERA page, scroll down to the 2022 Annual Meeting.
4. Click 2022 AERA Annual Meeting – Registration Now Open
If you do not have 2022 AERA membership, consider obtaining it first by clicking Join/Renew AERA on the My AERA page to receive the deeply discounted member registration fee.
If you forgot your username or password, please select Forgot Your User Name and/or Password? to reset. If you do not have an AERA account, please select Activate or Create My Account and use your NOAH ID/CONTACT #/AERA # to create a username and password.
It is the policy of AERA that all persons in attendance at the 2022 AERA Annual Meeting and Exhibition, including participants who plan to attend one or more sessions, are required to register. This includes presenters, invited speakers, chairs, and discussants. Registration is not transferable.
You must be registered for the Annual Meeting in order to purchase tickets to attend courses and events.
In order to qualify for the AERA member rate, your membership must be current through 2022. This means that if your membership expires in December 2021, you must renew your membership for 2022 prior to the time of registration in order to qualify for the member rate. Those who join AERA for two years will receive an additional meeting discount. Those who have already joined for two years will have that discount automatically applied. Adjustments and/or refunds for registration fees will not be given to individuals who register at the non-member rate and later join AERA.
Registration and housing must be done simultaneously. Once you complete your registration, your registration summary will include a link to make an online hotel reservation. In addition, your AERA membership must be current through 2022 in order to receive the discounted AERA rate.
Carryover Credit from 2021 Annual Meeting
Those who have a carryover credit from the 2021 Annual Meeting will automatically see that credit applied once they register.
Vaccination and Masking Policy
As part of the entry requirements for the 2022 AERA Annual Meeting, all attendees must have UP TO DATE VACCINATION to attend in person. All place-based attendees will need to upload their vaccination card through SafeAccess. The masking requirement will remain in place unless guidance from public health authorities leading up to the Annual Meeting recommends that the AERA Council revisit this policy.
Registration Rates
AERA strongly encourages registering for the Annual Meeting before the early bird deadline of March 15.
Please click here for an Excel file of the 2022 AERA and NCME Annual Meeting Place-Based and Virtual Rates.
Onsite Registration Hours
- Wednesday, April 20, 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- Thursday, April 21 - Monday, April 25, 7:30 am - 6:00 pm
- Tuesday, April 26, 7:30 am – 11:00 am
Housing Information
Housing registration for place-based attendees will open on January 11. The place-based meeting is being held at the San Diego Convention Center. The headquarter hotels are the Marriott Marquis San Diego and Manchester Grand Hyatt. Information on hotel accommodations will be announced when registration opens. There are many hotel options near the convention center in addition to the headquarter hotels.
Be Aware of Fraudulent Registration and Hotel Solicitations
Any AERA Annual Meeting registration and hotel solicitations that you may receive without first completing the registration process through AERA are not sanctioned and should be reported immediately to