Faculty Evaluation
In light of the dramatic changes in what faculty do and how colleges and universities are transforming in the 21st century, the AERA report, Rethinking Faculty Evaluation, offers research-based guidelines for rethinking how institutions of higher education evaluate research, scholarship, and teaching for tenure-line faculty.
The report makes three general recommendations in the areas of teaching, scholarship, and outreach. Released in November 2013, the report is a product of an AERA task force. Learn more
Public Briefing:
Getting Teacher Evaluation Right: A Challenge for Policy Makers
September 14, 2011
The briefing addressed teacher effectiveness, evaluation policies and practices, and policies likely to support sound teacher evaluation.
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Non-Tenure Track Faculty
With a focus on the dramatic increase in non-tenure-track faculty in schools, colleges, and departments of education -- and on the working conditions they encounter -- AERA issued a statement and background report in November 2013 on advancing the professional circumstances for these faculty members.
The report, which stems from the work of an AERA task force, provides four recommendations for ensuring the future health of the non-tenure-track professoriate. Learn more