Links to Articles Cited in 2012 AERA Brief

Sigal Alon & Marta Tienda, Assessing the “Mismatch” Hypothesis: Differences in College Graduation Rates by Institutional Selectivity, 78 Soc. Educ. 294 (2005).

Anthony Lising Antonio, Mitchell J. Chang, Kenji Hakuta, David A. Kenny, Shana Levin & Jeffrey F. Milem, Effects of Racial Diversity on Complex Thinking in College Students, 15 Psychol. Sci. 507 (2004).

Ian Ayres & Richard Brooks, Does Affirmative Action Reduce the Number of Black Lawyers, 57 Stan. L. Rev. 1807 (2005).

Katherine Y. Barnes, Is Affirmative Action Responsible for the Achievement Gap Between Black and White Law Students? A Correction, A Lesson, and an Update, 105 Nw. U. L. Rev. 791 (2011)

Deirdre M. Bowen, Brilliant Disguise: An Empirical Analysis of a Social Experiment Banning Affirmative Action, 85 Ind. L.J. 1197 (2010).

Nicholas A. Bowman, College Diversity Experiences and Cognitive Development: A Meta-Analysis, 80 Rev. Educ. Res. 4 (2010).

Nicholas A. Bowman, Promoting Participation in a Diverse Democracy: A Meta-Analysis of College Diversity Experiences and Civic Engagement, 81 Rev. Educ. Res. 29 (2011).

Nicholas A. Bowman, Jay W. Brandenberger, Patrick L. Hill & Daniel K. Lapsley, The Long-Term Effects of College Diversity Experiences: Well-Being and Social Concerns 13 Years After Graduation, 52 J.C. Student Dev. 729 (2011).

Gregory Camilli & Kevin G. Welner, Is There a Mismatch Effect in Law School, Why Might It Arise, and What Would It Mean? 37 J.C. & U.L. 491 (2011).

David L. Chambers, Timothy T. Clydesdale, William C. Kidder & Richard O. Lempert, The Real Impact of Eliminating Affirmative Action in American Law Schools: An Empirical Critique of Richard Sander’s Study, 57 Stan. L. Rev. 1855 (2005).

Mitchell J. Chang, Alexander W. Astin & Dongbin Kim, Cross-Racial Interaction Among Undergraduates: Some Consequences, Causes, and Patterns, 45 Res. Higher Educ. 529 (2004).

Mitchell J. Chang, Oscar Cerna, June Han & Victor Saenz, The Contradictory Roles of Institutional Status in Retaining Underrepresented Minorities in Biomedical and Behavioral Science Majors, 31 Rev. Higher Educ. 433 (2008). Link provided with permission of the Johns Hopkins University Press.

Mitchell J. Chang, Nida Denson, Victor Saenz & Kimberly Misa, The Educational Benefits of Sustaining Cross-Racial Interaction Among Undergraduates, 77 J. Higher Educ. 430 (2006).

Mitchell J. Chang, M. Kevin Eagan, Monica H. Lin, Sylvia Hurtado, Considering the Impact of Racial Stigmas and Science Identity: Persistence Among Biomedical and Behavioral Science Aspirants, 82 J. Higher Educ. 564 (2011).

Kalena E. Cortes, Do Bans on Affirmative Action Hurt Minority Students? Evidence from the Texas Top 10% Plan, 29 Econ. Educ. Rev. 1110 (2010).

Kristin Davies, Linda R. Tropp, Arthur Aron, Thomas F. Pettigrew & Stephen C. Wright, Cross-Group Friendships and Intergroup Attitudes: A Meta-Analytic Review, 15 Personality & Soc. Psychol Rev. 332 (2011).

Meera E. Deo, The Promise of Grutter: Diverse Interactions at the University of Michigan Law School, 17(1) Mich. J. Race & L. 63 (2011).

Nida Denson, Do Curricular and Cocurricular Diversity Activities Influence Racial Bias? A Meta-Analysis, 79 Rev. Educ. Res. 805 (2009).

Nida Denson & Mitchell J. Chang, Racial Diversity Matters: The Impact of Diversity-Related Student Engagement and Institutional Context, 46 Am. Educ. Res. J. 322 (2009).

Mark E. Engberg, Educating the Workforce for the 21st Century: A Cross-Disciplinary Analysis of the Impact of the Undergraduate Experience on Students’ Development of a Pluralistic Orientation, 48 Res. Higher Educ. 283 (2007).

Mark E. Engberg & Sylvia Hurtado, Developing Pluralistic Skills and Dispositions in College: Examining Racial Ethnic Group Differences, 82 J. Higher Educ. 416 (2011).

Mary J. Fischer, Does Campus Diversity Promote Friendship Diversity? A Look at Interracial Friendships in College, 89 Soc. Sci. Q. 631 (2008).

Mary J. Fischer & Douglas S. Massey, The Effects of Affirmative Action in Higher Education, 36 Soc. Sci. Res. 531 (2007).

Amanda L. Griffith, Persistence of Women and Minorities in STEM Field Majors: Is It School that Matters? 29 Econ. Educ. Rev. 911 (2010).

Patricia Gurin, Biren (Ratnesh) A. Nagda & Gretchen E. Lopez, The Benefits of Diversity in Education for Democratic Citizenship, 60 J. Soc. Issues 17 (2004).

Shaun R. Harper & Sylvia Hurtado, Nine Themes in Campus Racial Climates and Implications for Institutional Transformation, New Directions for Student Services, Winter 2007.

Angel Harris & Marta Tienda, Minority Higher Education Pipeline: Consequences of Changes in College Admissions Policy in Texas, 627 Annals Am. Acad. Pol. & Soc. Sci. 60 (2010).

Daniel E. Ho, Affirmative Action’s Affirmative Actions: A Reply to Sander, 114 Yale L.J. 2011 (2005).

Harry J. Holzer & David Neumark, Affirmative Action: What Do We Know? 25 J. Pol’y Analysis & Mgmt. 463 (2006).

Jessica S. Howell, Assessing the Impact of Eliminating Affirmative Action in Higher Education, 28 J. Labor Econ. 113 (2010).

Sylvia Hurtado, The Next Generation of Diversity and Intergroup Relations Research, 61 J. Soc. Issues 595 (2005) 11, 12, 13.

Sylvia Hurtado et al., Predicting Transition and Adjustment to College: Biomedical and Behavioral Science Aspirants’ and Minority Students’ First Year of College, 48 Res. Higher Educ. 841 (2007).

Sylvia Hurtado & Adriana Ruiz, UCLA Higher Educ. Research Inst., The Climate for Underrepresented Groups and Diversity on Campus (June 2012).

Uma M. Jayakumar, Can Higher Education Meet the Needs of an Increasingly Diverse and Global Society? Campus Diversity and Cross-Cultural Workforce Competencies, 78 Harv. Educ. Rev. 615 (2008).

Alan Krueger, Jesse Rothstein, & Sarah Turner, Race, Income and College in 25 Years: Evaluating Justice O’Connor’s Conjecture, 8(2) Am. Law & Econ. Rev. 282 (2006). First published online July 25, 2006; doi: 10.1093/aler/ahl00. Link provided by permission of Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Law and Economics Association.

Thomas F. Nelson Laird, College Students’ Experiences With Diversity and Their Effects on Academic Self-Confidence, Social Agency, and Disposition Toward Critical Thinking, 46 Res. Higher Educ. 365 (2005).

Richard O. Lempert, David L. Chambers & Terry K. Adams, Michigan’s Minority Graduates in Practice: The River Runs Through Law School, 25 Law & Soc. Inquiry 395 (2000).

Shana Levin, Colette van Laar & Jim Sidanius, The Effects of Ingroup and Outgroup Friendship on Ethnic Attitudes in College: A Longitudinal Study, 6 Group Processes & Intergroup Rel. 76 (2003).

Christine R. Logel et al., Unleashing Latent Ability: Implications of Stereotype Threat for College Admissions, 47 Educ. Psychol. 42 (2012). Reprinted by permission of Taylor & Francis (

Mark C. Long, Changes in the Returns to Education and College Quality, 29 Econ. Educ. Rev. 338 (2010).

Mark C. Long & Marta Tienda, Winners and Losers: Changes in Texas University Admissions Post-Hopwood, 30 Educ. Eval. & Pol’y Analysis 255 (2008).

Gretchen E. Lopez, Interethnic Contact, Curriculum, and Attitudes in the First Year of College, 60 J. Soc. Issues 75 (2004).

John R. Lott, J. Mark Ramseyer & Jeffrey Standen, Peer Effects in Affirmative Action: Evidence From Law Student Performance, 31 Int’l Rev. L. & Econ. 1 (2011). Copyright Elsevier. 

Jiali Luo & David Jamieson-Drake, A Retrospective Assessment of the Educational Benefits of Interaction Across Racial Boundaries, 50 J. Coll. Stu. Dev. 67 (2009).

Janice McCabe, Racial and Gender Microaggressions on a Predominantly-White Campus: Experiences of Black, Latina/o and White Undergraduates, 16 Race, Gender & Class 133 (2009).

Tatiana Melguizo, Quality Matters: Assessing the Impact of Attending More Selective Institutions on College Completion Rates of Minorities, 49 Research Higher Educ. 214 (2008).

Jeffrey F. Milem, et al., Arizona Medical Education Research Institute, The Important Role That Diverse Students Play in Shaping the Medical School Curriculum (2012).

Samuel D. Museus, Robert T. Palmer, Ryan J. Davis & Dina C. Maramba, Racial and Ethnic Minority Students’ Success in STEM Education [Special issue], 36 ASHE Higher Educ. Rep., No. 6, at 1 (2011).

Maria Ong, Carol Wright, Lorelle L. Espinosa & Gary Orfield, Inside the Double Bind: A Synthesis of Empirical Research on Undergraduate and Graduate Women of Color in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, 81 Harv. Educ. Rev. 172 (2011).

Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Emily Houh & Mary Campbell, Cracking the Egg: Which Came First—Stigma or Affirmative Action? 96 Calif. L. Rev. 1299 (2008).

Thomas F. Pettigrew & Linda R. Tropp, A Meta-Analytic Test of Intergroup Contact Theory, 90 J. Personality & Soc. Psychol. 751 (2006).

Thomas F. Pettigrew & Linda R. Tropp, How Does Intergroup Contact Reduce Prejudice? Meta-Analytic Test of Three Mediators, 38 Eur. J. Soc. Psychol. 922 (2008).

Richard Pitt & Josh Packard, Activating Diversity: The Impact of Student Race on Contributions to Course Discussions, 53 Soc. Q. 295 (2012).

Robert D. Putnam, E Pluribus Unum, Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century: The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize Lecture, 30 Scandinavian Pol. Stud. 144 (2007).

Jesse Rothstein & Albert H. Yoon, Affirmative Action in Law School Admissions: What Do Racial Preferences Do? 75 U. Chi. L. Rev. 649 (2008).

Victor B. Saenz, Hoi Ning Ngai & Sylvia Hurtado, Factors Influencing Positive Interactions Across Race for African American, Asian American, Latino, and White College Students, 48 Res. Higher Educ. 1 (2007).

Richard H. Sander, A Systemic Analysis of Affirmative Action in American Law Schools, 57 Stan L. Rev. 367 (2004).

Mario L. Small & Christopher Winship, Black Students’ Graduation From Elite Colleges: Institutional Characteristics and Between-Institution Differences, 36 Soc. Sci. Research 1257 (2007).

William A. Smith, Man Hung & Jeremy D. Franklin, Racial Battle Fatigue and the MisEducation of Black Men: Racial Microaggressions, Societal Problems, and Environmental Stress, 80 J. Negro Educ. 63 (2011).

Mischa Thompson & Denise Sekaquaptewa, When Being Different Is Detrimental: Solo Status and the Performance of Women and Racial Minorities, 2 Analyses Soc. Issues & Pub. Pol’y 183 (2002).

Gregory M. Walton & Steven J. Spencer, Latent Ability: Grades and Test Scores Systematically Underestimate the Intellectual Ability of Negatively Stereotyped Students, 20 Psychol. Sci. 1132 (2009).