Beyond AERA

As a service to AERA members and others in the education research community, Beyond AERA highlights selected items from materials available or received electronically regarding funding opportunities, calls for papers and manuscripts, upcoming conferences,  and other items of professional interest.

How to Submit:
To submit items for consideration for Beyond AERA, please send an email with the relevant details to Please include "Beyond AERA" in the subject line. 


Events & Conferences


Calls for Papers and Manuscripts

ZFHE – Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development): Psychological findings for university teaching
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Deadline for complete articles: September 30, 2024

Russell Sage Foundation programs and initiatives currently accepting letters of inquiryRace, Ethnicity, and ImmigrationIntegrating Biology and Social Science KnowledgeComputational Social ScienceImmigration and Immigrant Integration



Women in Literacy and Life Assembly of the National Council of Teachers of English
Learn more (PDF)


  Higher Education Review (HER) Call for Papers
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  Peter Lang Publishing Education List 
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  Routledge Journal of Homosexuality
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Calls for Proposals and Applications

  New Meridian Postdoc Fellowship
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  Lumivero Early Career Research Grant
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Deadline: July 31, 2024
  Institute of Education Sciences FY 2025 Education Research Grants Program
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Deadline: September 12, 2024
  Research Networks Focused on Critical Problems of Education Policy and Practice Grants Program
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Deadline: August 15, 2024
  From Seedlings to Scale Grants Program
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Deadline: August 15, 2024

National Science Foundation: Fostering Harassment-Free STEM Education, Research, and Workplace Environments
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  American Psychological Association Minority Fellowship Program Call for Applications
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Deadlines vary
  American Psychological Association Leadership and Education Advancement Program (LEAP) Mentor Pool
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  AERA Education Research Conferences Program
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National Science Foundation Accepting Proposals for SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
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Calls for Nominations

  2021 Daniel Patrick Moynihan Prize
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  National Science Board Opens Call for Nominations for Board Members 
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Funding Opportunities

  American Association of University Women (AAUW) Fellowships & Grants
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Deadlines vary
  American Association of University Women Fellowships and Grants
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Deadlines vary
  National Science Foundation Education & Human Resources (EHR) Funding Opportunities
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  National Science Foundation Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences (SBE) Funding Opportunities
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  National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Funding Opportunities
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  More Beyond AERA Fellowship & Funding Opportunities »   



EF+Math's Insights Report: "Strengthening Executive Function Skills to Improve Mathematics Learning: Evidence of Promise from EF+Math’s Inclusive R&D Approach"
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NCES Releases Report on Feasibility of Collecting School-Level Finance Data
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NCES issues “Projections of Education Statistics to 2026”
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  U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) releases the 2015-16 Civil Rights Data Collection
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  Research on School Security Measures – Conference Report
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AARE 2017 Confer