Purpose: The Division L Early Career Award will recognize a scholar whose initial career (the first seven years past the receipt of the doctorate) shows a high level of productivity. This productivity will be reflected in the quality and impact of the recipient’s research. The nominee must be a member of Division L.
Eligibility/Selection: In selecting a winner, the criteria to be considered will be the quality and impact of the candidate’s work. The winning candidate should have received the doctorate no more than seven years before the time when nominations for the award are due.
Nomination Process: To nominate a candidate, a nominating letter and two (additional) supporting letters must be submitted that describe the candidate’s research contributions to the field of educational policy. Letters should describe the quality of the research as well as its rigor, insight, contribution to policy research, and/or contribution to policy or policy debates. Nominations must be submitted in full no later than the deadline and must include the following:
- A nomination letter
- Two supporting letters from Division L members
- A CV for the nominee
- PDF versions of two exemplary publications by the nominee
Submission: Submit nominations to the chair, Dr. Chris Redding, by November 15, 2024.