Purpose: The purpose of the AERA Division L Outstanding Dissertation Award is to recognize the exceptional research accomplishments of recent doctoral graduates. Dissertations employing any theoretical and methodological orientation may be nominated as long as they make an important contribution to education policy and/or politics.
Eligibility: Dissertations must have been completed and successfully defended between August 2023 and August 2024. At the time the dissertation is being considered, the author must be a member of Division L of AERA.
Nomination Process: Nominations must be submitted by a faculty member of the nominee's doctoral degree granting institution. The nomination package should include the following as four separate attachments:
- A nomination letter from a faculty member of the nominee’s degree granting institution. Please include information about when the nominee defended his/her dissertation.
- A 3- to 4-page double-spaced summary of the dissertation.
- A copy of the dissertation in PDF format.
Submission: Submit nominations to the chair, Dr. Alex Freidus, by November 15, 2024.