

Distinguished Career Award
The Distinguished Career Award is given every other year to a nominated individual who, over a significant number of years, has been an exceptionally productive scholar and leader in the community of education in the professions through contributions to review processes, development of new investigators, communication with end-users, and regular participation in Division I. The committee considers all nominated individuals who provide an opportunity to acknowledge the extraordinary achievements of Division I members.

2022 - Steven J. Durning
2020 - Rebecca S. Lipner
2018 - David B. Swanson
2016 - Ara Tekian
2014 - Patricia O’Sullivan
2012 - LuAnn Wilkerson
2010 - Ilene Harris
2008 - Carole Bland
2006 - Henk G. Schmidt
2004 - Howard S. Barrows
2002 - Georges Bordage
2000 - Geoffrey Norman
1997 - David Irby
1995 - Lee Shulman
1993 - Stephen Abrahamson
1991 - Arthur Elstein
1989 - Robert Rippey
1987 - Christine McGuire

Outstanding Research Publication Award
The Outstanding Research Publication Award is awarded in alternate years for books and yearly for peer-reviewed journal articles/book chapters. The committee accepts self-nominated works and reads all materials nominated for the award and evaluates the work based on contribution to Division I.

2024 Book - Aditya Johri (Ed). International handbook of engineering education research. 1st ed. New York: Routledge; 2023. ISBN 9781032262758
2024 - Michael J. Arnold, Ting Dong, Robert Liotta, Aaron A. Saguil, and Steven J. Durning. Does masking MCAT scores during admission increase equity? Academic Medicine. 2023; 98(12):1413-1419.
2023 - Dina Verdin, Jessica M. Smith, and Juan C. Lucena. Recognizing the funds of knowledge of first-generation college students in engineering: An instrument development. Journal of Engineering Education. 2021; 110(3):671-699.
2022 Book - Melissa Margolis and Richard Feinberg. Integrating timing consideration to improve testing practices. New York: Routledge; 2020. ISBN 9781138479760
2022 - Monique Ross, James Huff, and Allison Godwin. Resilient engineering identity development critical to prolonged engagement of Black women in engineering. Journal of Engineering Education. 2021; 110(1):92-113.
2021 - Tasha Wyatt, Nicole Rockich-Winston, Taryn Taylor, and DeJuan White. What does context have to do with anything? A study of professional identity formation in physician-trainees considered underrepresented in medicine. Academic Medicine. 2020 October; 95(10):1587-1593.
2020 - Georges Bordage and Gordon Page. The key-features approach to assess clinical decisions: Validity evidence to date. Advances in Health Sciences Education 2018 May; 23: 1005-1036.
2019 - Rebecca Lipner, Bradley Brossman, Kelli Samonte, and Stephen Durning. Effect of access to an electronic medical resource on performance characteristics of a certification examination: A randomized controlled trial. Annals of Internal Medicine 2017; 167(5): 302-310.
2018 Book - Paul Wimmers and Marcia Mentkowski (Eds.). Assessing competence in professional performance across disciplines and professions. Switzerland: Springer; 2016. ISBN 978-3319300627
2018 - David Cook and Anthony Artino. Motivation to learn: An overview of contemporary theories. Medical Education 2016; 50: 997-1014.
2017 - Lara Varpio, et al. The impact of adopting EHRs: How losing connectivity affects clinical reasoning. Medical Education 2015; 49: 476-486.
2015 Book - Aditya Johri and Barbara Olds ( Eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press; 2014. ISBN 978-1107014107
2015 - Timothy Cleary, Ting Dong, and Anthony Artino. Examining shifts in medical students’ microanalytic motivation beliefs and regulatory processes during a diagnostic reasoning task. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2015 Aug; 20(3): 611–26.
2014 - Thomas O’Neill and James Puffer. Maintenance of certification and its association with the clinical knowledge of family physicians. Academic Medicine 2013 Jun; 88(6): 780–7.
2013 Book - Anne McKee and Michael Eraut. Learning Trajectories, Innovation and Identity for Professional Development. Dordrecht: Springer; 2012. ISBN 9789400717237
2013 - Shanna Daly, Seda Yilmaz, James Christian, Colleen Seifert, and Richard Gonzalez. Design heuristics in engineering concept generation. Journal of Engineering Education 2012;101: 601-629.
2011 - Sylvia Mamede, et al. Effect of availability bias and reflective reasoning on diagnostic accuracy among internal medicine residents. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) 2010; 304: 1198-1203.
2009 Book - Kathleen King. Harnessing Innovative Technology in Higher Education: Access, Equity, Policy and Instruction. Madison, WI: Atwood. ISBN 1891859633
2008 - Maura Borrego. Conceptual difficulties experienced by trained engineers learning educational research methods. Journal of Engineering Education 2007; 96: 91-102.
2007 - David Jonassen and Woei Hung. Learning to troubleshoot: A new theory-based design architecture. Educational Psychology Review 2006; 18: 77-114.
2006 - John Heywood. Engineering Education: Research and Development in Curriculum and Instruction. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0471741114
2005 - K. Anders Ericsson. Deliberate practice and the acquisition and maintenance of expert performance in medicine and related domains. Academic Medicine 2004; 79: S70-S81.
2004 - Clarence Kreiter, Brent Stansfield, Paul A. James, and Catherine Solow. A model for diversity in admissions: A review of issues and methods and an experimental approach. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 15(2): 116-122, 2003.
2003 Book - Geoff R. Norman, Cees P.M. van der Vleuten, and David Newble (Eds). International Handbook of Research in Medical Education (2 vols.). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 2002. ISBN 9781402004667
2002 - Dorothy Evensen, Jill Salisbury-Glennon, and Jerry Glenn. A qualitative study of six medical students in a problem-based curriculum: Toward a situated model of self-regulation. Journal of Educational Psychology 2001; 93: 659-676.
2001 Book - Marcia Mentkowski and associates. Learning That Lasts: Integrating Learning, Development, and Performance in College and Beyond. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000. ISBN 978-0787944827
2000 Book - James Rest, Darcia Narvaez, Muriel Bebeau, and Stephen Thoma. Postconventional Moral Thinking: A Neo-Kohlbergian Approach. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 1999. ISBN 978-0805832853

Established Investigator Award
The Established Investigator Award is given each year for the best paper presented at the annual meeting preceding the award year. To receive the award, a final paper or poster must be presented by an established investigator and include the results of a disciplined comparison of data with theory and thereby advance the cumulative knowledge in the field.

2024 - Tracy Fulton. Basic science educator and clinical educator experiences crossing boundaries in instructional design.
- Mary Roduta Roberts. Validity evidence for the use of Casper in admissions decisions within an occupational therapy program.
2022 - Victoria Yaneva. Using linguistic features to predict the effort associated with solving medical items.
2021 - Doug Grbic. Tolerance for ambiguity among medical students: a national study of patterns of change and their significance for professional development during medical school.
2020 - Sandra Kemp. Transition into clinical learning: a photo-elicitation study.
2019 - Celia O'Brien. A qualitative review of persistent behavioral deficiencies in medical students as identified through narrative assessments.
2018 - Carol Morrison. Implementing a new score scale for the clinical science subject examinations.
2017 - Yoon Soo Park. Contributing to guidelines on the use of competency evaluations in health professions education.
2016 - Richard Feinberg. Can item keyword feedback help remediate knowledge gaps?
2015 - Dot Horber. Teaching and assessing doctor-patient communication using remote standardized patients and Skype: feedback from medical residents.
2014 - Monica Cuddy. A multilevel analysis of gross anatomy instructional characteristics and performance on a national licensing examination in medicine.
2013 - Andrew Jones. The spectrum of invariance: measurement, prediction and selection invariance in certification testing.
2011 - Anthony R. Artino, Beliefs, emotions and behaviors in medical school: a comparative analysis of low versus high performers (co-authored with Steven R. Durning).
2010 - Douglas Hamman. Exploring the relation among teachers, school experiences, and adolescents’ efficacy for engineering studies.
2009 - Brian Hess,. A methodology for setting performance standards for physicians in clinical practice.
2008 - David Hollar. Validation of a new health professions teamwork attitudes instrument.
2007 - Lee A. Learman. Resident physicians' ability to reflect (co-authored with Pat O'Sullivan).
2006 - Kevin Eva and John Cunnington.
2004 - Paul Wimmers, Ted Splinter, and Henk Schmidt. How content specific is clinical competence?
2003 - Brad Moulder. Impact of medical school characteristics on the predictability of USMLE scores.

New Investigator Award
The New Investigator Award is given each year for the best paper by a new investigator.  To qualify, the first author must be within three years of receiving a terminal degree in a field of education and/or demonstrate extensive effort for developing a scientific study of education in the professions for the recent years. The award is given for a paper presented at the annual meeting in the year preceding the award year.

2024 - Hannah Kakara Anderson. Inequity is woven into the fabric: a discourse analysis of assessment in pediatric residency training.
- Jason Scott. What is quality? applying a value-added approach to measure quality in law school.
2022 - Lillian Sims. Into the unknown: first-in-family medical students' initial socialization into the profession.
2021 - Stephanie Meeuwissen. Successful interdisciplinary teamwork in medical education: an ethnographic case study revealing leader contributions to inclusiveness.
2020 - Ying Yun Juliana Koh. Effects of graded versus ungraded individual readiness assurance scores in team-based learning: a quasi-experimental study.
2019 - Ilana Dubovi. Narrowing the gap between theory and practice: simulation- and model-based learning for nursing.
2018 - Ren Liu. Effect of item and examinee characteristics on score and response time on USMLE.
2017 - Justin Sewell. Cognitive load and procedural learning in the professions - instrument development and evidence for validity.
2016 - Haiping Hao. Expertise development of top ten early childhood teachers in Shanghai.
2015 - Theresa Grohnert. Supporting professional learning in low-validity environments: lesson from deliberate practice.
2014 - Catherine Gabelica. When do professional teams learn to perform? how coordination impacts performance.
2013 - Marsha R. McLean. Analyzing the relationship of geographic mobility and institutional prestige to career advancement of women in academic medicine pursuing midcareer-, senior-, or executive- level administrative positions: implications for career advancement strategies.
2011 - Ann Deketelaere. “Multi‐factorial aspects of a clinical learning environment (co-authored with Sofie Kuppens, Eva Ceulemena, Lisa De Jonghe, Agnes De Munter, and Paul Deleyn).
2010 - Marjan Govaerts. Assessing raters for workplace-based assessment: a cognitive approach.
2009 - Fleurie Nievelstein. Learning to solve legal cases: the effects of instructional support.
2008 - Frederick S. White. The relationship between gender and career progression variables and service factors for deans of U.S. medical schools from 1980-2006.
2007 - Nate Allen. Leader development in dynamic and hazardous environments: company commander learning in combat.
2006 - Erika Abner. Relationships in learning: the role of mentors in the developmental trajectory of law firm associates.
2005 - Moira M. Grant. The devaluing of clinical education in a top-down bottom-line health care environment.
2004 - Alane K. Shanks . Thirty years of affirmative action at Harvard Medical School: a mixed method program evaluation.
2003 - Tara Kennedy. Degrees of gap between knowledge and behavior: a qualitative study of clinician action following an educational intervention.