Hello Division H'ers. Here is the blast for June, 2013. I will be late on the July blast; expect it toward the end of July. But, remember--submit proposals!.
2. Call for Proposals. The call for proposal submissions fpr 2014 will be issued soon. The deadline for submissions will be in July. The number of sessions allocated by AERA depends on the number of submissions. Please submit!.
The call will describe Div H's four sections and the types of submissions for each section. Each section has constituted a panel of reviewers. (Thank you, volunteers!) Each submission will be reviewed by 3 people on these panels.
3. Modifications to Division H's Four Sections. Have you ever wanted to submit a proposal to Div H, but it didn't seem to fit any of the current sections? Have you ever been a reviewer and wondered about the fit of a submission to your section? Some of these issues have been raised in the past couple of years. This year, the Program Committee will be revisiting section titles and descriptions. This will not affect this year's call. Any changes will be made for the 2015 call. This year we're just exploring the desirability of change. We will give everyone plenty of time to review and respond to any proposed changes. Our program chair this year is Rosanne Brown,
Divisions (small print upper right)
Division H (scroll down)
"Who We Are" (list on the left)
"Structure and Governance" "Section V--Committee Descriptions" (scroll down)
Please contact the relevant committee chair if you'd like to work on any of these committees. Good places to start: reviewer for Outstanding Publications, help set up the Booth, help at the Breakfast, graduate student campus liaison, international liaison.
5. Publication Awards. Dale Whittington (
whittington_d@Shaker-Heights.k12.oh.us), 2012-14 Publication Awards Committee Chair, is leading an effort to review submission categories. She conducted a Survey Monkey poll before the Annual Conference. Further work on this will be forthcoming.