June 2012
Hello, Division H'rs. This is the June, 2012 blast. Submissions for the
2013 program are due--see #1 below.
2013 Annual Meeting Submissions. The theme for next year's annual
meeting is "Education and Poverty: Theory, Research, Policy and Praxis."
The system will be open for submissions June 1 – July 22nd, 2012. The call
for submissions is at:
Please submit proposals. We are assigned sessions depending on the number of submissions we receive.
Div H Social 2013. While a crack committee is looking for a grand spot
to hold the 2013 Div H Social in San Francisco, we welcome your
suggestions if you have a feel for bistros and back rooms near the
conference hotels. Perhaps your sister the piano player knows a place?
(Contact Peter
Hendrickson at
Division H website. Below is the new link to the Division H website. We
are working hard to make sure that everything transferred correctly when
AERA switched platforms in March. Please let our webmaster, Brad Coverdale
bjcoverdale@gmail.com>, know if you are having problems accessing the
site or finding information.
World Educational Research Association Meeting. The deadline for WERA
Submissions is June 30 for the upcoming Meeting in Sydney, Australia,
December 2-6, 2012. The call for submissions is at: