

Welcome to Division H Membership

AERA's Division H—Members of AERA who are active in Research, Evaluation, and Assessment in Schools (REAS or Division H) encourage you to join or reinstate your association with us.  There are very strong reasons for you to become an active member and we welcome your participation!

Why you should join Division H

Increasingly, education researchers in every state and school district, and many countries around the world, are striving to make their work useful and relevant to improving decisions about educational policies and practices.  We have seen the evidence from recent cross-state and international studies which clearly show the strong and positive relationship between educational attainment and individual accomplishment, as well as gains in economic performance and improved well-being of a society.  As researchers, we want to carry out, report, and disseminate research findings that make a difference for education systems and for schools and educators.  Thus, we believe our work, reports, papers, and publications have a key role in education at all levels.
Over the past three years this Division, with its unique interaction between members working in applied and academic settings, has experienced a significant percent increase in membership, and as a result we have increased the number of sessions we can offer at AERA meetings.  We believe the recent increase in interest and membership is due to our focus on key applications for education research -- including student assessments (both for accountability and classroom use), program evaluation studies, and applied research as they directly relate to improving the quality of education.  

How to join Division H:

The following information has been provided below to help you sign up or with your renewal process and to also update you on the division’s activities:

• To join AERA and Division H you can visit the membership page and complete the membership form: 

• If you would like to renew your membership, update your address, telephone number or email address, you can visit the General AERA Membership page with Member Log-In Form (update membership information):

Division H continues to Grow in 2013! 

New Members will become part of a rapidly growing area of research and evaluation interest in AERA.
  As of fall 2012, Division H has over 2450 members, as compared to 1600 members in 2008—an average of 200 additional new members per year. As a result, we are becoming a bigger part of AERA. In 2005, Division H represented 5% of all of AERA and now, in 2012, we expanded to represent over 8% of all AERA professionals.

Division H Membership Committee-For Further Information

Please contact us if you have questions or need further information about Div. H.  We look forward to your participation.

Membership Chairs:  Marisa delCampo & Whitney Bortz

Committee Charge

Reach out to inform individuals about the many benefits of membership in Division H in order to recruit and maintain members.


Committee Chair (annual term), Assistant Chair (annual term, to assume chair the following year)


Committee to include Chair, Assistant Chair, additional members as needed


Annual appointments by Vice President that can be renewed; June-April appointments with April-May allowed for transition activities

Most Significant Areas of Responsibility

The committee’s most pertinent areas of responsibility which have been identified to help fulfill its charge are to:

ü   Develop 2-6 anticipated accomplishments of the committee for the timeframe of June-April in collaboration with committee membership. To the extent feasible, these accomplishments should be observable, measurable, and anticipated to be reasonably completed within this timeframe.


Assistant Chair


ü   Contact members whose membership is about to expire and urge them to renew


Assistant Chair


ü   Solicit new members from AERA and related professional organizations


Assistant Chair


ü   Designate a Web Liaison to update information on the web about committee activities, as needed

ü   Provide on-going updates of committee activities to the full membership through the submission of articles in the Division H Reality Test newsletter and a year-end written report on the accomplishments of the committee following designated written and/or oral guidelines established by the Vice President and Secretary. 


Assistant Chair

ü   Support all other related activities as identified by the Vice President.


Anticipated Accomplishments for June 2012 to April 2013

The following represents the anticipated accomplishments of the committee for the timeframe of June-April in collaboration with committee membership. To the extent feasible, these accomplishments should be observable, measurable, and anticipated to be reasonably completed within this timeframe.

Convene a meeting/discussion with other committee chairs regarding outreach and recruitment, e.g., International, Graduate Students, Affirmative Action

Identify new ways to provide information about Division H, and test them out during the year

Provide follow-up letter to lapsed Division H members from prior two years

Contact AERA membership staff to obtain a count of members in Fall 2012 to track change over time

Obtain a list of all lapsed or former members and provide a letter about current activities and advantages of Div. H membership

Submitted by:  Rolf Blank, Colleen Paeplow (co-chairs)

Date Submitted:

April 2, 2013

Current Committee Membership

Current Membership Committee leadership can be found from the Division H website main page by clicking on “Who We Are.”



The following represents pertinent monthly action steps implemented by last year’s committee, and/or offered by the current Vice President, current chair to realize anticipated accomplishments, or other chairs to realize inter-committee collaboration.

Obtain and read a Division H Handbook, especially the section on Membership Committee  responsibilities and timeline.


Chair submits to the Vice President and Secretary the listing of initial 2-6 anticipated accomplishments and to the Vice President .

By date designated by Reality Test Newsletter Editor, Chair submits article for August publication. This submission is to include the charge to the committee, major areas of responsibility, committee members (including e-mails and affiliations), and 2-6 anticipated accomplishments for the year.

By date designated by Reality Test Newsletter Editor, Chair submits article


Share membership letter with professionals internationally by working with the International Committee of Division H and potential members with the Assessment SIG at British ERA.

Send membership letter to individuals and symposia participants who submitted proposals to a Division H session.


Send membership letter to AERA graduate students to be distributed via the Division H Graduate Student Representative listserv.


By date designated by Reality Test Newsletter Editor, Chair submits article


Send membership letter to graduate students via the graduate student liaisons to capture students who are not AERA members.

Review Division H and AERA membership data.


Contact lapsed members with an invitation to rejoin.

By March 5, Chair submits year-end report to Secretary and Vice President


Contact lapsed members with an invitation to rejoin.

By date designated by Reality Test Newsletter Editor, Chair submits article f

At discretion of Vice President, Chair offers year-end report at and/or presents awards certificates to members serving on the committee Annual Business meeting held at the annual conference

Annual Meeting

Chair and Assistant Chair attend Movers and Shakers Leadership meeting held in the Division H suite to share progress of past year and ideas for continuous improvement the following year

Assist Vice President to appoint chair and assistant chair for next year.


Report of Last Year’s Chair

As submitted by the Immediate Past Chair, noted below is the year-end report of the 2-6 areas of accomplishment and 2-4 ideas the next chair may wish to consider in embracing continuous improvement.


     ·  Convened a planning meeting via webex with chairs of International, Graduate Students,  Affirmative action, and Membership committees to discuss outreach and recruitment

  • Sent invitations to a Career Planning webinar via Div H listserve, committee chairs, and graduate student liaisons – recruited a panel of six experienced leaders in education research and evaluation
  • Convened the webinar in January 2013 and hosted approx. 90 participants for a 90 minute webinar presentation and discussion of potential career paths, knowledge and skills important in careers, and recent developments affecting careers.
  • Provided a copy of the ppt and discussion questions to AERA Division H leadership for posting on the website.

       ·     Recruited AERA members with  interests similar to Division H

  • Sent a letter to over 1800 lapsed Div H members to remind them of membership and to update them on recent developments, and received replies from them concerning re-joining or reasons for not renewing.

        ·    Sent membership letters to the current AERA graduate students and the campus liaisons

        ·    Submitted to Division H Webmaster membership trend data for  Division H  Membership page (2005 to 2012)

Areas for Improvement

           Follow-up on methods of providing information to graduate students and departmental liaisons regarding AERA and Division H and to departments in international universities and other organizations.

Submitted by:

Rolf Blank & Coleen Paeplow

Date Submitted:

April 2, 2013

Previous Committee Leadership

The following individuals have served as chairpersons of this committee for Division H in recent years.


Marisa delCampo & Whitney Bortz (co-chairs)


Rolf Blank, Colleen Paeplow (co-chairs)


Coleen Paeplow, Rolf Blank (co-chairs)


Colleen Paeplow/Rolf Blank


Scott Jackson Dantley


Scott Jackson Dantley


Scott Jackson Dantley


Mike Herrick


Mike Herrick


Mike Herrick


