AERA Council
The Association Council consists of the President, the President-Elect, the Immediate Past President, the Vice-Presidents of Divisions, the six At-Large Members, a Graduate Student Representative, a Special Interest Groups Representative, and the Executive Director serving ex officio, without a vote. The Council shall have full power to direct and review the general affairs of the Association within the limits set forth in the Association’s Bylaws. The Council is the legislative and policy body for the Association. The President serves as the Chair of the Council and the President-Elect serves as Vice Chair of the Council.
Council (Roster)
Council Minutes
AERA Executive Board
The Executive Board is a subcommittee of the Council consisting of the President, the President-Elect, the Immediate Past President, three At-Large Members, and three representatives elected by the Council from the Council membership (i.e., from among the Vice-Presidents, Special Interest Groups Representative, Graduate Student Representative). The Executive Director serves as an ex officio member of the Executive Board, without a vote. The Executive Board discharges all duties and responsibilities as specified by the Association’s Bylaws. The Executive Board advises the Council on the annual budget prepared by the Executive Director and is responsible for developing investment policies for the Council’s approval and for providing oversight for the management and implementation of these policies. The Executive Board serves as an advisory committee to the President and the Executive Director and has power to act for the Council between its meetings and in other matters as may be delegated by the Council.
Executive Board (Roster)
Executive Board Minutes