Palmer O. Johnson Memorial Award

Palmer O. Johnson Memorial Award

2024 Award Recipients 


Juan Del Toro
University of Minnesota

Ming-Te Wang
University of Chicago
“Police Stops and School Engagement: Examining Cultural Socialization From Parents and Schools as Protective Factors Among African American Adolescents”
American Educational Research Journal, Volume 60, Issue 1, November 2022.

The recipients of the 2024 Palmer O. Johnson Memorial Award are Juan Del Toro and Ming-Te Wang for their article, “Police Stops and School Engagement: Examining Cultural Socialization From Parents and Schools as Protective Factors Among African American Adolescents,” published in February 2023 in the American Educational Research Journal. This article is a model of interdisciplinary research, integrating research from criminology, sociology, psychology, public health, and education to conceptualize the relationships among police surveillance, racial socialization, and school engagement in two samples of African American students. It finds that youth with police encounters have lower school engagement but demonstrates how cultural socialization via conversations about racial identity and navigating a discriminatory world can serve as a protective factor. This article stands out for its methodological creativity, timeliness, and relevance for both policy and practice.

The Palmer O. Johnson Memorial Award is presented annually in recognition of the most outstanding article published in an AERA journal. The elements of an outstanding article include: (1) significance of the contribution to advancing knowledge, (2) methodological sophistication and rigor, and (3) uniqueness in terms of problem specification or approach. Articles published in any one of the following AERA journals are eligible for consideration: AERA Open, American Educational Research Journal (AERJ), Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (EEPA), Educational Researcher (ER), or Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics (JEBS), except those articles that emanate from AERA public lectures. The selection committee considers all research articles published from October 1 of a given year to September 30 of the next year, preceding the year in which the award is conferred. The award is granted based on substantial merit, as determined by the selection committee.

Past Recipients             

2023 - Christopher T. Bennett
2022 - Drew H. Gitomer, José Felípe Martinez, Dan Battey, Nora E. Hyland
2021 - Julie A. Edmunds, Fatih Unlu, Jane L. Furey, Elizabeth J. Glennie, Nina Arshavsky
2020 - 
Carolyn J. Heinrich, 
Jennifer Darling-Aduana, 
Annalee Good, 
Huiping (Emily) Cheng
2019 - Shanyce L. Campbell and Matthew Ronfeldt 
2018 - Sarah Dryden-Peterson, Negin Dahya, and Elizabeth Adelman
2017 - Katharine M. Broton
2017 - Sara Goldrick-Rab
2017 - James Benson
2016 - James D. Anderson

2015 - Matthew A. Kraft
2015 - John P. Papay
2014 - Liliana Garces
2013 - Andrew Ho and Sean F. Reardon
2012 - Alfredo J. Artiles
2011 - Luis C. Moll
2010 - Arnetha F. Ball             
2009 - Mark C. Long and Marta Tienda
2008 - Geoffrey D. Borman, Robert E. Slavin, Alan C. K. Cheung, Anne M. Chamberlain, Nancy A. Madden, and Bette Chambers
2007 - Ray McDermott, Shelley Goldman, and  Hervé Varenne
2006 - Cynthia Coburn
2005 - Kevin G. Welner and Haggai Kupermintz 
2004 - Deborah Loewenberg Ball, David K. Cohen, and Stephen W. Raudenbush
2003 - Fred M. Newmann, BetsAnn Smith, Elaine Allensworth, and Anthony S. Bryk
2002 - Barbara Nye, Larry V. Hedges, and Spyros Konstantopoulos
2001 - Joseph Kahne and Kim Bailey
2000 - Ron Avi Astor, Heather Ann Meyer, and William J. Behre
1999 - Robert J. Sternberg
1998 - Douglas Fuchs, Lynn Fuchs, Patricia Mathes and  Deborah Simmons
1997 - Jeannie Oakes and Gretchen Guiton
1996 - Gloria Ladson-Billings
1995 - Bernard Weiner
1994 - Lorrie Shepard
1993 - John Smyth
1992 - Linda F. Winfield
1991 - Yeow Meng Thum and Anthony S. Bryk
1990 - Richard Murnane, Judith D. Singer & John B. Willett
1989 - Gaea Leinhardt, and Ralph Putnam
1988 - Robert B. Slavin
1987 - Edward H. Haertel
1986 - Henry I. Braun and Ted H. Szatrowski
1985 - Bruce D. Spencer
1984 - Kenneth D. Hopkins
1983 - Jere Brophy
1982 - John R. Bergan
1981 - Joseph T. Lawton & Susan K. Wanska
1980 - Penelope L. Peterson & Christopher M. Clark
1979 - Richard C. Anderson, Ralph E. Reynolds, Diane L. Schallert, and Ernest T. Goetz
1978 - No Award Given
1977 - Pinchas Tamir
1976 - Kenneth O. Doyle, Jr. & Susan E. Whitely
1975 - No Award Given
1974 - Richard C. Anderson and Raymond Kulhavy
1973 - Joel R. Levin, William D. Rohwer, Jr., T. Anne Cleary, and Paul A. Games
1972 - Leonard Marascuilo and  Joel R. Levin
1971 - Janet D. Elashoff, Gene V. Glass, Ralph A. Hakstian, Tse-Chi Hsu, and  Leonard S. Feldt
1970 - Gene V. Glass and  Glenn H. Bracht
1969 - James G. Holland
1968 - Wells Hively II
1967 - Patrick Suppes and Elliot W. Eisner