2024 Award Recipient
Camika Royal
Morgan State University
Not Paved For Us: Black Educators and Public School Reform in Philadelphia
The 2024 Outstanding Book Award is presented to Dr. Camika Royal, for her book Not Paved for Us: Black Educators and Public School Reform in Philadelphia. Dr. Royal subtly threads this historical account with a nod to hip hop pedagogy in the structure of each chapter. Using the epistemological lens of Critical Race Theory, Dr. Royal unapologetically presents the history of public school reform in Philadelphia. She engages the voices and experiences of former Black educators to amplify the anti-Black structural racism and cultural politics at play over a 50-year period in the large urban school district of Philadelphia.
The Outstanding Book Award was established to acknowledge and honor the year’s best book-length publication in education research and development. To be considered for award, a book must be concerned with the improvement of the educational process through original research or scholarly inquiry, must have a research base, and must have copyright date of the past two years of the year in which the award is to be given.
Nominations may be submitted by the author of the work, by another scholar, or by the publisher of the work. The book may have been published anywhere in the world but, for purposes of consideration, must be available in English. Edited volumes, including textbooks, are not considered for the award.
Past Recipients
2023 - Hava Rachel Gordon - This Is Our School! Race and Community Resistance To School Reform
2022 - Jarvis Givens - Fugitive Pedagogy: Carter G. Woodson and the Art of Black Teaching
2021 - Kabria Baumgartner - In Pursuit of Knowledge: Black Women and Educational Activism
2020 - Leilani Sabzalian - Indigenous Children’s Survivance in Public Schools
2019 - Elizabeth Todd-Breland - A Political Education: Black Politics and Education Reform in Chicago Since the 1960s
2018 - Ezekiel J. Dixon-Román - Inheriting Possibility: Social Reproduction and Quantification in Education
2017 - Roberto G. Gonzales - Lives in Limbo: Undocumented and Coming of Age in America
2016 - Diana E. Hess & Paula McAvoy - The Political Classroom: Evidence and Ethics in Democratic Education
2015 - David P. Baker - The Schooled Society: The Educational Transformation of Global Culture
2014 - David L. Kirp - Improbable Scholars: The Rebirth of a Great American School System and a Strategy for America’s Schools
2013 - Christopher P. Loss - Between Citizens and the State: The Politics of American Higher Education in the 20th Century
2012 - Valerie Kinloch - Harlem on Our Minds: Place, Race, and the Literacies of Urban Youth
2011 - Richard R. Valencia - Dismantling Contemporary Deficit Thinking: Educational Thought and Practice
2010 - Jeffrey R. Henig - Spin Cycle: How Research Is Used in Policy Debates: The Case of Charter Schools
2009 - Paul Attewell & David E. Lavin - Passing the Torch: Does Higher Education for the Disadvantaged Pay Off Across the Generations?
2008 - C. J. Pascoe - Dude, You're a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School
2007 - Rami Benbenishty & Ron Avi Astor - School Violence in Context
2006 - William G. Bowen, Martin A. Kurzweil & Eugene M. Tobin -Equity and Excellence in American Higher Education
2005 - Mica Pollock - Colormute: Race Talk Dilemmas in an American School, and Frederick D. Erickson -Talk and Social Theory
2004 - Amy J. Binder - Contentious Curricula: Afrocentrism and Creationism in American Public Schools
2003 - No award made
2002 - Robin Alexander - Culture & Pedagogy
2001 - Jeannie Oakes, Karen Hunter Qurtz, Steve Ryan and Martin Lipton - Becoming Good American Schools
2000 - Angela Valenzuela -Subtractive Schooling: U.S. Mexican Youth and the Politics of Caring
1999 - John M. Willinsky - Learning to Divide the World: Education at Empire's End
1998 - Linda Darling-Hammond -The Right to Learn
1997 - L. Scott Miller - An American Imperative
1996 - David C. Berliner & Bruce J. Biddle - The Manufactured Crisis
1995 - Jeffrey Mirel - The Rise and Fall of an Urban School System: Detroit 1970-1981
1994 - No Award Given
1993 - Joan DelFattore & Jonathan Kozol
1992 -
David Tyack and Elizabeth Hansot - Learning Together: A History of Coeducation in American Public Schools
Idit Harel - Children Designers: Interdisciplinary Constructions for Learning and Knowing Mathematics in a Computer-Rich School
1991 - Stephen Brint & Jerome Karabel
1990 - James D. Anderson
1989 - Burton R. Clark & David F. Labaree
1988 - James C. Coleman & Thomas Hoffer
1987 - Robert J. Sternberg
1986 - David John Hogan
1985 - John I. Goodlad
1984 - Sarah Lawrence-Lightfoot, Teun A. Van Dijk & Walter Kintsch
1983 - Stephen Jay Gould & CarolGilligan