Input Sought on 2019-20 Draft Action Plan for Federal Data Strategy

June 2019

The federal agencies involved in the Federal Data Strategy have issued a draft action plan for public comment on the first year of implementing activities. These proposed activities align with the principles and practices for leveraging data as a strategic asset.

The draft action plan includes eight shared actions across the government and three community actions on specific data standards. Each agency will be encouraged to implement five activities: (1) constitute a diverse data governance body, (2) assess data and related infrastructure maturity, (3) identify opportunities to increase staff skills, (4) identify data needs to answer key agency questions, and (5) identify priority datasets for agency open data plans.

The Department of Education will be involved in two of the proposed government-wide actions:  Develop a Data Protection Toolkit and Pilot an Automated Inventory Tool for

The Federal Data Strategy team is seeking feedback on any additional action items that are not included or that would be aligned with or complement ongoing federal data initiatives or the implementation of new legislation; any actions that should be omitted; edits and additional detail for actions to ensure that they accurately and effectively describe needed activities, responsible entities, metrics for assessing progress, and timelines for completion; and information about the implementation resources necessary.

Comments are due July 5 and can be submitted on the Federal Data Strategy website.