Key Sessions


2016 AERA Annual Meeting

"Public Scholarship to Educate Diverse Democracies"
Friday, April 8 - Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Washington, D.C.

This page will be updated as additional sessions and details become available.

Major Addresses and Lectures

AERA Distinguished Lecture: Linda Darling-Hammond, Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education Emerita, Stanford University

Designing the "New Accountability": How Public Scholars Can Contribute to a Productive Policy Framework for Education

Friday, April 8, 4:05 to 5:35 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 202 A
Session Hashtag: #AERAHammond

Chair: Jeannie Oakes, University of California - Los Angeles

Link to Session 

Opening Plenary Session and Gala to Celebrate Centennial Year

Discovering Our Past, Creating Our Future

Friday, April 8, 6:30 to 8:40 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom C
Session Hashtag: #AERA100th

Chair: Jeannie Oakes, University of California - Los Angeles, Donna E. Shalala, Clinton Foundation
Participants: Patricia A. Alexander, University of Maryland - College Park, Patricia Albjerg Graham, Harvard University, Gloria J. Ladson-Billings, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Ken Prewitt, Columbia University, Joseph P. Robinson-Cimpian, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Joy Ann Williamson-Lott, University of Washington
Discussant: Felice J. Levine, AERA

Link to Session

AERA Presidential Address: Jeannie Oakes, AERA President; University of California - Los Angeles

Public Scholarship to Educate Diverse Democracies

Sunday, April 10, 4:35 to 5:50 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom C
Session Hashtag: #AERAPres

Chairs: Kevin G. Welner, University of Colorado Boulder, Michelle Renee Valladares, University of Colorado Boulder

Link to Session 

Wallace Foundation Distinguished Lecture: Warren Simmons, Fellow and Former Executive Director, Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University

Increasing the Relevance of Education Research: Building a Place-Based Agenda for Obtaining Equity and Excellence

Monday, April 11, 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom C
Session Hashtag: #AERAWallace

Chair: Jeannie Oakes, University of California - Los Angeles

Link to Session


Special Event: Dr. Jill Biden

Operation Educate the Educators: Recognizing and Supporting Military-Connected Students Through University-Based Research, Community Partnerships, and Teacher Education Programs

Monday, April 11, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom C
Session Hashtag: #AERAJillBiden

Chair: Jeannie Oakes, University of California - Los Angeles
Discussants: Ron Avi Astor, University of Southern California, Catherine Bradshaw, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, Mary Keller, Military Child Education Coalition

Link to Session 

Award Lecture Speakers

Awards Luncheon

Sunday, April 10, 12:25 to 2:25 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom ABC
Session Hashtag: #AERAAwards

Chair: Jeannie Oakes, University of California - Los Angeles

Link to Session

AERA E.F. Lindquist Award (2015) Lecture: Howard Wainer

Four Easy Pieces

Sunday, April 10, 10:35 a.m. to 12:05 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 206

Chair: Gerunda B. Hughes, Howard University

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AERA Distinguished Contributions to Research  in Education Award (2014) Address: Douglas Fuchs and Lynn Fuchs

Sunday, April 10, 2:45 to 4:15 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 207 A

Chair: Ann E. Austin, Michigan State University

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AERA Early Career Award: Brendesha M. Tynes

Monday, April 11, 7:45 to 9:15 a.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 202 A

Chair: Annemarie S. Palincsar, University of Michigan

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AERA Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award (2015) Address: Andrew C. Porter

Monday, April 11, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 207 A

Chair: Chandra Muller, The University of Texas - Austin

Session Hashtag: #AERAContributions
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AERA Distinguished Public Service Award Lecture (2016)

Monday, April 11, 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
Convention Center, Level One, Room 146 B
Session Hashtag: #AERAServe

Chair: A. Wade Boykin, Howard University
Presenter: Shirley Malcom, American Association for the Advancement of Science

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Social Justice in Education Award Lecture

Monday, April 11, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 202 A
Session Hashtag: #AERASJ

Chair: Kofi Lomotey, Western Carolina University
Presenter: Kevin Kumashiro, University of San Francisco

Link to Session

Selected Presidential Sessions

The AERA Presidential Sessions at the 2016 Annual Meeting have been designed to (1) be interactive and participatory; (2) feature high-quality presenters and facilitators from diverse backgrounds; and (3) make an impact beyond the conference—may it be through ongoing conversation in other academic circles or the creation of public products that are shared during or after the meeting. The content of the sessions all highlight this year’s theme, emphasizing both public scholarship and a focus on diverse democracies.

Major confirmed participants include Nikole Hannah-Jones, The New York Times Magazine; Melissa Harris-Perry, MSNBC; Claudio Sanchez, NPR; and Valerie Strauss, The Washington Post.

This sampling of AERA Presidential Sessions provides a sense of the rich and compelling content that will engage Annual Meeting attendees.

Public Scholarship on Global Migration, Structural Inclusion, and Democratic Civic Education Across Nations

Friday, April 8, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom C

Across the globe, students from ethnic, racial, linguistic, and religious minority groups often have weak connections with their nation-states, in part because they feel structurally excluded within their schools, as well as the larger community. This session brings civic and multicultural researchers together with researchers to discuss the design and implementation of promising civic education practices in different nations that can help students develop a sense of structural inclusion. Each case study of innovative civic education programs will profile an effective teacher working with minority groups to develop a sense of structural inclusion within the nation-state and to enhance their national identities.

Chairs: James A. Banks
Confirmed participants include: Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco, Dafney Blanca Dabach, Rania Al-Nakib, Yun-Kyung Cha, Audrey Helen Osler, Angela M. Banks, Joseph E. Kahne
Link to Session

Where Might the 2016 Election Year Take Us? Exploring the Implications of Political Framing for Future Education Legislation

Friday, April 8, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 201

Despite all of the attention to politics in 2016, education has received relatively little attention. With the passage of the new federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), state governments will have increased flexibility to implement policies that promote educational innovation and progress. In this session Pedro Noguera, John Jackson, and Judith Browne Dianis will engage in a lively discussion of the constraints and opportunities created by ESSA. They will also consider how the presidential candidates of both parties should be challenged to address education and the huge challenges created by increasing racial and class-based inequality.

Chair: Kevin G. Welner
Confirmed participants include: Pedro Noguera, John Jackson, Judith Browne-Dianis
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Influencing Equality Before the Law: Enhancing the Use of Social Science for the Public Good

Saturday, April 9, 8:15 to 9:45 a.m.
Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom C

In a second round of Fisher v. University of Texas, the Supreme Court is set to once again deliberate on the future of affirmative action in higher education. In the tradition of Brown v. Board of Education (1954) and countless other U.S. Supreme Court decisions, Fisher II showcases the important role of public scholarship in promoting diverse democracies. Whether as expert witnesses explaining the current educational landscape, amicus briefs authors informing deliberations, or public intellectuals helping interpret the impact and significance of the Court’s decisions, educational leaders, policy makers, and practitioners are key to educating the Court and the public. In this session, participants will engage in interactive dialogues to understand the challenges and opportunities of influencing legal opinions as well as interpretation and implementation plans and strategies.

Chairs: Maria C. Ledesma, Liliana M. Garces
Confirmed participants include: Lorelle Espinosa, Stella M. Flores, Uma Madhure Jayakumar, Julie J. Park, Cecilia Rios Aguilar, Awilda Rodriguez
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Writing Our Way Into the Public Sphere

Saturday, April 9, 10:35 a.m. to 12:05 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 202 A

No field is more central to the social good than education, yet typically educational researchers have limited influence on policy and public deliberations about education. How can we write our way more effectively into the public sphere? In this presentation, Public Scholar Mike Rose will provide insights on writing the opinion or commentary piece, as well as long form writing and select new media forms. He will discuss the meaning and urgent need of writing for diverse audiences, and the personal and professional benefits of doing such writing. He will then describe courses he has developed to teach public writing, and conclude with thoughts about public writing, our faculty reward system, and the ways our profession defines itself. University of Colorado School of Education Dean Lorrie Shepard will reflect on the implications of the presentation for universities and public scholarship overall.

Chair: Anthony A. Berryman
Confirmed participants include: Mike Rose, Lorrie A. Shepard
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The Role of Philanthropy in Education Research

Saturday, April 9, 12:25 to 1:55 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 201

The Role of Philanthropy in Education Research

Chair: Vivian Tseng
Confirmed participants include: Michael S. McPherson, Frederick M. Hess, Frederick J. Frelow
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Researchers Meet Community Organizers: Can Public Scholarship Contribute to Struggles for Immigration Rights, Community Schools, and Public Institutions in Neoliberal Times?

Saturday, April 9, 12:25 to 1:55 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 202 A

How can researchers and scholars better meet the knowledge needs of education justice movements? In this session we will flip the script by asking community organizers working on topics such as immigration rights and public community schools to suggest to scholars how their work can better meet the needs of the education justice movements. The community organizer presentations will be followed with interactive facilitated discussions led by scholars, in which session attendees and organizers will discuss existing research and identify new public scholarship projects that could both meet the needs of the community organizers and advance education research. Discussion leaders and session chairs will synthesize the discussions and suggest next steps at the conclusion of the session.

Chair: Ben R. Kirshner, Michelle Renee Valladares
Confirmed participants include: Ruth Maria Lopez, Tina M. Trujillo, Pauline Lipman, Fahd Ahmed, Zakiyah Ansari, Dmitri Holtzman

Session Hashtag: #AERAOrganizers
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Public Scholars on the Social Impact of School-Related Inequalities: Perspectives from Multiple Disciplines

Sunday, April 10, 8:15 to 9:45 a.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 202 A

Recent research provides strong evidence that unequal educational outcomes between richer and poorer students are due in part to curricular inequalities occurring within schools and between schools. Accordingly, rather than ameliorating background inequalities, the U.S. educational system may be exacerbating them. This session premiers a new short video—an artifact of public scholarship that communicates these research findings. Scholars from multiple disciplinary perspectives (sociology, economics, political science, and educational theory) will discuss implications of this research. They also consider how public scholarship focused on schooling inequality; its relationship to larger social, political and economic inequalities; and the public’s understanding of what a commitment to equality requires can inform and be informed by insights from different intellectual perspectives.

Chair: William H. Schmidt
Confirmed participants include: Greg Duncan, Jennifer Jennings, Debra Satz, Bob Wise, Michael Cohen
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Public Scholarship and Teacher Education for Diverse Democracies

Sunday, April 10, 8:15 to 10:15 a.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 207 B

This session features four very different examples of public scholarship related to teacher preparation: evidence-based public advocacy work to shape state regulations regarding teaching for multilingual learners; an equity-centered educational magazine that bridges scholarship and policy/practice; a National Education Policy Center policy brief that assesses the claims and evidence behind teacher education accountability initiatives; and recent cross-institutional and cross-state efforts in teacher education to work collectively and publicly to challenge federal regulations. The last segment of the session will feature interactive discussion with the audience about: the conditions that make public scholarship possible in teacher education, the impact it has at multiple levels, the range and variation of this work, and the current limited resources that support teacher educators in this work.

Chair: Marilyn Cochran-Smith
Confirmed participants include: Kara Mitchell Viesca, Lorretta Chavez, Karla J. Esser, Peter M. Vigil, Wayne Au, Katy Swalwell, Marilyn Cochran-Smith, Rebecca H. Stern, Juan Gabriel Sanchez, Andrew Frederic Miller, Elizabeth Stringer Keefe, Maria Beatriz Fernandez Cofre, Wen-Chia Claire Chang, Molly Cummings Carney, Stephani Burton, Megina Baker, Kevin Kumashiro
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Increasing Educational Opportunities and Improving Outcomes for English Learners: Partnerships between Public Scholars and School Leaders

Sunday, April 10, 8:15 to 10:15 a.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 201

Effectively assisting English learner (EL) students to achieve English proficiency and grade-level content standards within a reasonable time period is urgent. This session presents the work of the EL Partners--three university-district partnerships committed to improving EL policies, practices, and outcomes by investigating problems of practical and research significance. Participants will share findings, policy recommendations, and lessons learned from their collaborative research. In both small and large districts, the partnerships have investigated such thorny issues of practice as reclassification to English proficient, access to core content, language program models, and achievement. Findings across the partnerships make a compelling case for recommendations to improve EL classification and reclassification, collecting and using EL data, and EL access to core content, bilingual instruction, and highly qualified teachers. Lessons learned focus on aspects critical to partnering success.

Chair: Peggy Estrada
Confirmed participants include: Karen Thompson, Peggy Estrada, Ilana Umansky, Claude Goldenberg, Claudio Sanchez, Cynthia Lim, Hilda Maldonado, Katherine Hayes, Christina Wong, Laura Wentworth, Tara House, Patricia Gándara, John Q. Easton, Sean Reardon, Patrick M. Shields, Haiwen Wang, Timea Farkas, Soyoung Park, Eduardo Muñoz-Muñoz, Kenji Hakuta, Robert Linquanti, Claudia Rodriquez
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Public Scholarship and Immigrant Students and Families: Leveraging Community and Research Partnerships

Sunday, April 10, 10:35 a.m. to 12:05 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 201

Focusing on the education of undocumented students and students from mixed-status families, this panel of educators, immigrant advocates, political leaders, journalists, lawyers and researchers examines the potential of public scholarship to advance equitable, research-informed immigration and education policies. Undocumented students and their families, and increasingly the U.S.-born children of undocumented immigrants, face enormous risks in the U.S. Moreover, our nation’s legacy of failed immigration policies creates barriers for undocumented students’ pathways toward higher education and authorized immigration status. This policy failure is compounded by challenges researchers face to inform public debate and policy deliberations about more constructive approaches through the use of empirical evidence. Public scholarship, developed and disseminated in the context of research-public sector partnerships, is greatly needed to understand and address the complex conditions of undocumented students.

Chairs: Ruth Maria López, Jaime Del Razo, Jaein Lee
Confirmed participants include: Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco, Roberto G. Gonzales, Laura M. Bohórquez García, Apolonio Morales, Sandra Lucia Osorio, Samuel Orozco

Session Hashtag: #AERAImmigrantRights
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Public Scholarship on the Witness Stand: The Impact of Research and Expert Testimony in Educational Reform Litigation

Sunday, April 10, 10:35 a.m. to 12:05 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 202 A

The thoughtful and methodical process of educational research could not be more different from the hurly-burly of the courtroom. Yet, many scholars have used the expert witness stand to shape the outcomes of landmark legal cases (think the Grutter v. Bollinger affirmative action case), and work with advocates to effect important policy change through the courts. Members of the academic and legal community will examine the challenges, risks, and significant opportunities of public scholarship on the witness stand. They will provide candid insights about the uncomfortable contentious process of moving scholarship through the judiciary. They discuss the tensions in navigating burden-of-proof standards, explaining and interpreting complex research, and diving into the adversarial process and the surrounding public arena.

Chair: Bill Koski
Confirmed participants include: Kathy Gebhardt, Rick Hanushek, Bruce Baker, Patricia Gandára, Marisa Bono
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Can Public Scholarship Help School Finance Policy Meet the Challenge of Increasing Diversity?

Sunday, April 10, 2:45 to 4:15 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 202 A

Public school funding is central to providing a high quality compulsory K-12 education in a democratic society yet it is one of the most entrenched and antiquated systems resistant to change. This challenge exists alongside the reality that our K-12 student population has seen dramatic demographic shifts in the past 100 years making our country more culturally and linguistically diverse. This “Town Hall” Session will demystify public school finance policy and practice by engaging researchers and stakeholders in a moderated discussion. AERA members, education and political leaders, and the general public will participate both in person and through social media.

Chair: Sophie Anne Fanelli
Confirmed participants include: Bruce D. Baker, David G. Hinojosa, Michael Rebell, Anthony Rolle, Gloria M. Rodriguez, Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos

Session Hashtag: #AERASchoolFinance
Link to Session

Making Knowledge Public: Books as Public Scholarship

Sunday, April 10, 2:45 to 4:15 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 202 B

This workshop will provide educational researchers with detailed guidance on how to communicate research findings in book form in a manner that can reach a broader public and influence how issues of educational policy and practice are understood and discussed. The workshop panel will include editors from book publishing houses and authors of books whose research-based works have enjoyed broad visibility. Panelist will share insights about integrating research findings into books that will attract readers beyond the educational research community. Session participants will learn how to prepare research-based books to “make scholarship public,” and time will be given for audience participation and feedback.

Chair: Brian Ellerbeck
Confirmed participants include: Elizabeth Branch Dyson, Joel Westheimer, Gloria Ladson-Billings, Penny Bender Sebring, Claudio Sanchez
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Public Scholarship to Inform Equity and New Accountability: The Iterative Relationship Between Research and Policy

Monday, April 11, 7:45 to 9:45 a.m.
Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom C

This session will examine the iterative relationship between research and policy. We begin with two cases from California: a pioneering set of teacher investments and, later, one of the nation’s most progressive school funding and accountability policies. We then turn to the national level where, building in part on California’s new approach and research on innovations in other states, researchers, practitioners, policymakers and advocates designed a set of principles for a new accountability system that has made its way both into the Senate ESEA bill and federal “flexibility waivers” under ESEA and into the emerging accountability systems of numerous states.

The session will have three parts with audience engagement in between. It will involve researchers, advocates, foundation officials, and policymakers at the state and Federal level.

Chairs: Jennifer A. O'Day, Jeannie Oakes
Confirmed participants include: Linda Darling-Hammond, Patrick M. Shields, Susanna Loeb, Marshall S. Smith, Paul K. Leather
Link to Session

#BlackGirlsMatter: Public Scholarship Engaging with the Race/Gender Interaction in Schools

Monday, April 11, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom C

In 2014, the White House’s Council on Women and Girls issued a report highlighting the progress of women and girls of color, most notably in education. Along with an increase in high school and college graduation rates it was reported, “Since 2009, both fourth and eighth grade math scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, the largest nationwide assessment, have improved for all girls of color” (p. 2). Absent from this conversation, however, were the distinct challenges based on the intersection of race and gender that left Black girls with the least growth across all categories and contexts. This session seeks to open up new avenues of scholarship focused on the promises and perils Black girls and women encounter in PK – 20 systems. The session will also explore how such scholarship could inform policy-based solutions to improve the academic success and life chances of Black girls and women.

Chairs: April L. Peters, Terri Nicol Watson
Confirmed participants include: Bettina L. Love, Lori Patton Davis, Adrienne Dixson, and Melissa Harris Perry 

Session Hashtag: #AERABlackGirlsMatter
Link to Session

Public Scholarship and #BlackLivesMatter: New Directions for Research and Policy, K Through College

Monday, April 11, 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 202 A

If we believe that Black lives matter; education research must engage the entire spectrum of factors that marginalize and limit Black students’ educational opportunities and outcomes. This interactive dialogue moderated by the Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, examines topics like the school to prison pipeline, post-traditional student experiences and nontraditional college pathways, Black student protest in the K-College Pipeline, and the educational opportunities Black students do and do not have. Accordingly, this session aims to change the narrative by focusing on the “unheard” and “overlooked” in the Black student research agenda, towards new scholarly and policy approaches for k-12 and higher education.

Chairs: Michael Harris
Confirmed participants include: David Johns, Constance Iloh, David O. Stovall, Prudence L. Carter, Walter R. Allen

Session Hashtag: #AERABLM
Link to Session

The Power of Public Scholarship to Transform Policy and Practice: Five Award-winning Books

Monday, April 11, 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 201

Five recent Grawemeyer Award winners articulate their theories of scholarship-in-action and discuss their experiences working with policymakers and practitioners to use their work to prompt educational change. The University of Louisville’s prestigious Grawemeyer Award in Education, celebrating its 30th anniversary, recognizes annually a work most likely to have an impact on practice worldwide. Each award-winning work provides a theoretical perspective, grounded in empirical evidence, and offers implications for reform in districts, schools, teacher education, and/or professional development. The session will be facilitated by an educational journalist who will frame questions that engage the scholars in discussing the impact of both their work and the award on their efforts to bridge research to policy and practice in communities and schools.

Chair: Valerie Strauss, Ann Larson
Confirmed participants include: Linda Darling-Hammond, Michael Fullan, Andy Hargreaves, Diane Ravitch, Pasi Sahlberg
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Career Threats and Opportunities: What Is the Role of Social Media in Public Scholarship?

Monday, April 11, 2:45 to 4:15 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom C

Researchers will discuss social media approaches to public scholarship that can democratize education knowledge. Panelists will focus on how social media can advance academic scholarship discussions but also may pose threats to academic careers, particularly for junior scholars. Questions from audience-generated social media will be discussed by the panelists, as both conference participants and streaming viewers from across the nation and world contribute comments and questions in advance and in real-time via Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, using the hashtag #AERAPubScholar.

Chair: Julian Vasquez Heilig
Confirmed participants include: Diane Ravitch, Sara Goldrick-Rab, Frederick M. Hess, Nolan L. Cabrera

Session Hashtag: #AERAPubScholar
Link to Session

Public Scholarship in Campaigns to Change Hearts, Minds, and Policy: Discipline Disparities and the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Monday, April 11, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 202 A

For three years, the Discipline Disparities Research-to-Practice Collaborative—a national initiative involving researchers, educators, community organizers, and policy-makers—galvanized national attention and action (including through a national conference, Congressional briefing, and briefing paper series) and advanced an intervention and policy agenda to address disparities in school discipline by race, gender, and sexual orientation. This Presidential session will explore the impact of this collaboration on the research agenda, focusing on the process of moving from evidence to public discourse to policy and action. Presenters will identify remaining challenges and areas of future work. Session attendees will participate in facilitated table discussions to identify opportunities for engaging as public scholars with diverse stakeholders in their own work. Reception to follow.

Chair: Daniel Losen, Karith Mediratta, Russell Skiba
Confirmed participants include: Catherine Lhamon, Anurima Bhargava, Kavitha Mediratta, Daniel Losen, Russell Skiba, Thena Robinson, Lisa Thomas

Session Hashtag: #AERASchoolDiscipline
Additional Session Resources
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How Public Scholarship Helped Put School Integration Back on the Public Agenda

Monday, April 11, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom C

This conversation-style session brings together journalists, scholars and advocates to offer perspectives on public scholarship about one of the nation’s most intractable and complex challenges. After decades of near silence, high-impact media reports have shone new light on racial segregation in schools and neighborhoods as a driver of inequality and social division. They also point to racially equitable integrated schools as an alternative for engendering opportunity, cohesion and fairness. What role have researchers played in putting segregation and integration back onto the cultural and policy agendas? To what extent did collaborative relationships between scholars and advocates help "move" the research into the public sphere via media? What’s next for engaged scholars?

Chair: Susan Eaton and Derek Black
Confirmed participants include: John Brittain, Nikole Hannah Jones, Sara Carr, Jennifer Holme
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How Much Testing and for What Purpose? Public Scholarship in the Debate about Educational Assessment and Accountability

Tuesday, April 12, 10:35 a.m. to 12:05 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom C

An unprecedented number of tests, often with high stakes for students, teachers and schools, have been driven by decades of policy. American students spend considerable school time taking and preparing for standardized tests. The U.S. is not alone, as international educators, scholars, and policymakers wrestle with similar questions. Session participants will respond to the questions and concerns that students, parents, teachers, and other diverse stakeholders have raised in the public debate on testing. How much testing is appropriate? Who should be tested, how frequently, and on what content? How should the results of these tests be used? Crowdsourced questions will inform this session, with discussion starting months prior to the Annual Meeting, tagged with #AERAHowMuchTesting. Participants will also consider the role and impact of research in a policy arena so infused with politics and ideology.

Chair: Matthew R. Lavery
Confirmed participants include: Linda Darling-Hammond, Eric A. Hanushek, Lorrie A. Shepard, David C. Berliner, Wayne J. Camara
Session Hashtag: #AERAHowMuchTesting
Link to Session

Public Scholarship Broadening Participation in Computer Science Education

Tuesday, April 12, 2:15 to 3:45 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom C

This symposium on public scholarship tackles race- and gender stratification in the field of computer science. Learn how the National Science Foundation (NSF), higher education, and K12 collaborated on a multi-million dollar investment in broadening computer science opportunities. Stories from district-university partnerships illustrate how these collective efforts ignited an explosion of computer science courses for underrepresented students. While much work remains, efforts to improve equitable computer science access—by leveraging the influence, resources, and know-how of federal, university, and K12 partners—demonstrate how educational disparities can be addressed via equity-minded curriculum, teacher development, district scale-up, policy advocacy, research and evaluation.

Chair: Janice Cuny
Confirmed participants include: Brenda Wilkerson, Monica Sweet, Diane Baxter, Art Lopez, Susan Yonezawa, Nan Renner, Katrine Czajkowski, Roman Enrique Del Rosario, Karen Flammer, Julie Flapan, Jane Margolis, Joanna Goode, Sarah Wille, Jeanne Century, Miriam Pike
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Ed Talks

These high-profile talks will feature powerful, rapid-fire presentations by some of the field’s leading scholars. The structure of the talks, which will focus on four major education research themes, will incorporate interactive and engaging audience discussion. The AERA Ed Talks promise to stimulate and expand thinking on issues of importance not only to the field but also to policy and opinion leaders.

Fostering Equitable Policy Outcomes

Saturday, April 9, 12:25 to 1:55 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 207 B

This series of talks will examine the policies and practices needed to close the longstanding opportunity, achievement, and attainment gaps related to young people’s race, language, and economic status. The talks will show how critical it is to focus policy on the right levers, rather than being deflected by politically hot issues.

Richard Ingersoll, University of Pennsylvania
The National Teacher Shortage: Sources and Solutions

Russ Rumberger, University of California –Santa Barbara
High School Dropouts: Getting Students to Opt into Learning All the Way to Graduation

Amy Stuart Wells, Teachers College, Columbia University
The Educational Benefits of Diverse Schools and Classrooms for All Students

Mark Berends, University of Notre Dame

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Relationship and Research Use in Policymaking

Saturday, April 9, 2:15 to 3:45 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 207 B

This series of talks will explain the political uses of education research, and how to recognize trustworthy scholarly methods, evidence, analyses, and reporting. These talks examine the disconnect between research and policy and provide possible solutions for turning research into good policy and practice.

Kara Finnigan, University of Rochester
Understanding How Education Systems Improve

Jeffrey Henig, Teachers College, Columbia University
The Challenge of Separating Spin from Evidence

Ruth Lopez Turley, Rice University
Addressing the Disconnect Between Researchers and Decision Makers

William Penuel, University of Colorado – Boulder
Design Research-Practice Partnerships as a Strategy for Implementing Change in Educational Context

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Broadening Conceptions of Learning

Monday, April 11, 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 207 B

This series of talks seek to explain how students actually learn and how to apply this knowledge to effective teaching methods. The talks will explain why policy and practice need to be undergirded by robust knowledge of how people learn across contexts and life activities, and how identity, culture, and history are implicated.

Michelene Chi, Arizona State University
Counter-intuitive Findings from the Science of Learning

Kris Gutierrez, University of California – Berkeley
Expansive and Consequential Learning for English Learners

Young-Suk Kim, Florida State University
Language as an Entry Point for Improving Literacy Skills

Barbara Rogoff, University of California – Santa Cruz
Children from “Underserved Minority” Backgrounds Have Strengths for Learning

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Increasing the Education and Life Chances for the New American Majority

Monday, April 11, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 207 B

These talks highlight the importance of intersections among families, schools, and communities in student development , how teaching and schooling contribute to learning in and out of school, and how educational and social policies can combine to support learning, development, and wellbeing across different communities. The talks will examine the obstacles students from varying communities face, as well as address how to harness community relationships to help overcome barriers.

Vivian Gadsden, University of Pennsylvania
Reducing Risks for Young Children and Supporting Their Families

Laura Perna, University of Pennsylvania
Improving College Access and Success for Students from Historically Underrepresented Groups

Barbara Schneider, Michigan State University
Postsecondary Education Opportunities for Traditionally Disadvantaged Students

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Inclusive Education Practices

Tuesday, April 12, 10:35 a.m. to 12:05 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 207 B

This series of talks examines the types of practices that create a supportive learning environment for all students. These talks focus on both the barriers to, and possible solutions for providing an equitable education for students from all backgrounds.

Alfredo Artiles, Arizona State University
Understanding the Paradoxes of Equity: The Case of Race and Disability Intersections

Diana Hess, University of Wisconsin, Madison 
The Impact of K–12 Civic Education on Political Participation and Voting in an Era of Political Polarization

Elizabeth Moje, University of Michigan
How Students Learn to Read and Write Complex Texts for Success Beyond Schooling

Sharon Nelson-Barber, WestEd
Educating Students with Benefit of Indigenous Knowledge

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Research and Science Policy Forum

Congressional and Executive Branch Fellowships: Connecting Research to Policy

Saturday, April 9, 10:35 a.m. to 12:05 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 209 B

Chairs: Joanne Carney
Participants: Deborah Stipek, Paula Skedsvold, Devon Brenner, Deborah Olster

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Meet the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Leadership

Saturday, April 9, 10:35 a.m. to 12:05 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 204 C

Chair: Michael Feuer
Participants: Ruth Curran Neild, Peggy Carr, Joan McLaughling, Thomas Brock, Joy Lesnick

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Mentoring in Early Career: How Universities, Associations, and Foundations Are Supporting Scientists

Saturday, April 9, 2:15 to 3:45 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 202 B

Chair: Angela Sharpe
Participants: Sylvia Hurtado, Ivory Toldson, Jean Shin

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Creating Opportunity and Educational Pathways for Young Children and Their Families

Saturday, April 9, 2:15 to 3:45 p.m.
Convention Center, Level One, Room 146 C

Chair: Vivian L. Gadsden
Participants: Eric Dearing, Eugene Garcia, Elizabeth Graue, Jacqueline Jones, Margaret Burchinal, Rick Barth, Oscar Barbarin, Christine McWayne

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National Science Foundation Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) Update

Saturday, April 9, 4:05 to 5:35 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 201

Chair: Felice J. Levine
Speaker: Joan Ferrini-Mundy
Discussants: Chandra Muller, Larry Hedges

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Future Directions for Longitudinal Studies Conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics

Sunday, April 10, 10:35 a.m. to 12:05 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 204 C

Chair: Adam Gamoran
Speaker: Peggy Carr
Discussants: Thomas Cook, Kristin Moore, Dorothy Espelage

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Research on Broadening Participation in STEM: Future Directions at the National Science Foundation

Sunday, April 10, 2:45 to 4:15 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 204 C

Chair: Shirley Malcom
Speaker: Sylvia Margaret James
Discussants: Henry T. Frierson, Freeman Hrabowski, III, Estela Bensimon

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Schools, Rules, and Socialization Effects for Students: A Research Agenda

Monday, April 11, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 204 B

Chair: Nathan Bell
Participants: Allison Dymnicki, Kathryn Wentzel, Russell Skiba, Ellen Cohn, Dorothy Espelage
Discussants: David Osher, Felice J. Levine

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The Role of Research and Higher Education Associations in Advocacy: Problems, Priorities, and Strategies

Monday, April 11, 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 204 C

Chair: Juliane Baron
Participants: Wendy Naus, Paula Skedsvold, Toby Smith, Jennifer Poulakidas

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The Fisher Case and Diversity in Higher Education: The Pending Decision and Beyond

Monday, April 11, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.
Convention Center, Level Two, Room 204 C

Chair: Felice J. Levine
Participants: Liliana Garces, William Kidder, Gary Orfield, Shirley Malcom

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