Job Opportunities

Div K Related Jobs

We put job openings related to our division on our website. Often times, with a well written announcement that specifically targets our group, the response is well received. Your announcement can be placed on our website generally within the same day subject to editing, availability and AERA compliance. Send the following information to our division webmaster and follow these guidelines to insure an inclusion: 

  1. The announcement works best when it is submitted in Microsoft Word without protections, comments or markups.
  2. Announcements are limited to one page written in paragraph form using single space. Use a basic font in black such as Times New Roman or Arial and keep to size 12 whenever possible.
  3. We discourage the use of bullet points, bold type, italics, and logos, graphics or pictures of any kind.
  4. Announcements are generally left up until a clearly stated deadline or are renewable every 30 days. Simply email the division webmaster to renew.
  5. Announcements are subject to editing for AERA compliance, division approval, and/or continuity to our website design.
Division K Job Postings:

Position Announcements

Our job postings are now associated with the Careers Job page with AERA! You can create your own posting for free and have it reach the ENTIRE AERA community! Follow the link below! Our own job posting will resume after the conference this year. Otherwise, have a look at our Facebook page for other exciting opportunities!