AERA 2023: Announcements



Dear Colleagues,

The Cultural Historical Research Special Interest Group (CH Research SIG #30) invites compelling proposal submissions for the forthcoming AERA conference. The place-based AERA will take place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 11-14, 2024 while virtual AERA will take place April 25-26, 2024. 

The Cultural Historical Research SIG is a diverse grouping of researchers who approach learning, development, and social change from cultural-historical, sociocultural and/or activity theoretical perspectives. These theories can be engaged alongside, or using perspectives from other frameworks such as critical, feminist, digital studies, and arts-based and asset-based approaches to explore sociocultural, educational, pedagogical, and sociopolitical questions at the intersection of theory and practice. 

The Cultural Historical Research SIG welcomes persuasive proposals that are aligned with the AERA 2024 theme, Dismantling Racial Injustice and Constructing Educational Possibilities: A Call to Action. We invite scholars to engage cultural historical approaches to center forms of oppression, and in particular racial injustice, and confront the challenge of racism and other “isms” through research that builds possibilities for more just and dignified educational spaces. This year, the SIG invites contributors to, as stated by AERA President Tyrone Howard, “imagine forward” through evidence-based contributions that employ cultural historical traditions to provoke, promote, and sustain change. 

We look forward to receiving paper, workshop, and session proposals that, drawing on the legacy of Vygotsky, Luria, Leont’ev, Bakhtin, Mead, among others, will stimulate revolutionary approaches to dismantle racial and other forms of oppression and exclusion and revealing research-informed action possibilities for tangible and sustainable transformation. 

We all create the Cultural Historical Research Special Interest Group (SIG #30) together, and we thank you for your support and participation! We look forward to receiving many cultural historical research based proposals and encourage you to reach out if you have any questions.

The Cultural Historical Research Special Interest Group (SIG #30) of the American Educational Research Association (AERA).

Submission period ends: July 31, 2023, at 11:59 PM Pacific Time. Please, encourage your colleagues to submit to our SIG #30 if their work employs cultural-historical, sociocultural, and/or activity theory and related perspectives. Membership is not required to submit proposals to our SIG.

If you have any questions, please contact

SIG Co-Chairs:

SIG Co-Program Chairs:

2024 Officers of the SIG #30:

Co-Chairs: Monica Lemos, Independent Researcher  & Patricia Martínez-Álvarez, Teachers College, Columbia University

Co-Program Chairs: Megan Elaine Lynch, University of North Florida & Jaakko A. Hilppö, University of Helsinki

Secretary/Treasurers: Minhye Son, California State University - Dominguez Hills

Website/Communications Chair: Aireale Joi Rodgers, University of Wisconsin-Madison