GSC Division E

Division E - Counseling and Human Development

Division E - Main Website


Counseling and Human Development encourages research on human behavior, development, and interactions across the life span; and promulgates the judicious use of psychosocial and educational procedures in educational settings.


Dr. Dorothy Esplange, Division E Vice President
Dorothy Espelage ( is a Professor at the Child Development Division in Educational Psychology at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana.  Dr. Espelage’s research interests include bullying and youth aggression, disordered eating in adolescents and young adults, and psychosocial adjustment of families of children managing chronic illness.  Within the last few years, her programs on bullying during early adolescence and eating disorders have evolved into the study of health behaviors during early adolescence and have both included examination of the influences of the peer group on their maintenance.  She also works with graduate students with research interests in childhood sexual abuse and dating violence.

Jioni A. Lewis
Senior Graduate Representative
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Ann Kim

Junior Graduate Representative
University of California-Santa Barbara

Jioni is a doctoral candidate in the Counseling Psychology program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She has focused on multicultural and social justice issues within her roles as a researcher, teacher, and counselor. Her research interests have focused on color-blind racial ideology, racial identity attitudes, and coping with race-related stress. Her dissertation project will explore the relations between gendered racial microaggressions and psychological well-being among Black women.

Ann Kim is a second year doctoral student at University of California Santa Barbara with an emphasis in Child and Adolescent Development. She is interested in ethnic identity in immigrant adolescents, and is working towards obtaining her counselor license. Kim lived in DC before moving to Santa Barbara and says that although the palm trees and beaches are nice, she misses the East Coast.


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Division E - Facebook Page