Environmental Education SIG 33

SIG Purpose

The purpose of the Environmental Education SIG is to bring together an international group of researchers, discipline specialists, educational theorists, curriculum developers, experts working in formal, informal and nonformal settings, and policymakers concerned with environmental education to share, discuss, critique, lead and advance environmental education research.

The Environmental Education SIG encourages greater understanding among researchers about key issues in environmental education, and aims to promote the development and impact of education in the face of pressing environmental and related social issues. To this end the SIG explicitly adopts a broad, inclusive definition of environmental education.

            The SIG aims to:

  • reflect and encourage the broad range of theoretical, methodological, disciplinary and cultural perspectives found in environmental education research and practice worldwide
  • promote dialogue and forge linkages related to collaborative and international scholarship and practice
  • examine human relationships with their environments in diverse contexts as they pertain to pedagogy, curriculum, policy, theory, methodology and other aspects of education practice
  • encourage participation of scholars and practitioners at every level, including students and early career professionals
  • be a place for cultivating new directions and action in environmental education and related fields