Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural Studies SIG 28

SIG Purpose


Our SIG has a long and storied history of pushing the envelope in educational research both  in general and with regard to curriculum studies in particular. Our commitment is to build an intellectual, creative, and kindred home for people to find their audience, and a receptive and excited audience at that. 

We provoke the connections and contradictions between and among a range of exploratory and imaginative practices of curriculum and cultural studies. We support and promote transdisciplinary scholarship that draws from multiple fields of study to de-stabilize commonly held assumptions in the study of experience, working within and beyond contemporary curriculum discourses and longstanding epistemological boundaries. 

Members pursue curriculum inquiry in ways that are widely inclusive and certainly not limited to critical, feminist, postmodern perspectives, and performative, auto-ethnographic, and arts-based approaches to ask sociocultural, political, and existential questions. This is the best place to find other scholars who are like-minded in crossing borders, redefining the post in post-research, prioritizing subjugated knowledge, reaching towards well-studied and justice-oriented practices.