
Law & Education SIG Awards

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The Law and Education SIG is pleased to announce an award for Graduate Students doing work in law and education:

The Emerging Scholar Award

The Emerging Scholar Award is presented to a graduate student conducting and presenting research in the area of education law. The award is given to the graduate student who submits the conference proposal that has the highest quality of legal research, quality of analysis and results, and the most significant impact to the field of law and education, as determined by the Emerging Scholar Award Committee. Graduate students who are sole authors or first authors are considered for the award. The Emerging Scholar Award provides $500.00 towards conference travel, a commemorative plaque, and the recipient will also present her or his paper during a Law and Education SIG panel at the annual meeting. This is an "official" AERA award, and the recipient will be recognized in the list of AERA awardees.

Graduate students who are sole authors or first authors are considered for the award!
Please contact the Chair of the Emerging Scholar Award Committee with any questions. 

Past Emerging Scholar Award Winners




2011: Genevieve Parker Siegel-Hawley, for her proposal "Segregation Despite Civil Rights Legislation: The Case of Charter Schools."

2010: Kenne A. Dibner, for her proposal "Constructing Policy: Legislative Riders as Strategy in Developing Federal Education Legislation."

2009: Amarachuku Chioma Enyia, for her proposal "Finding a Plan B: Critical Remedy Construction for School Districts Under Education Equity Consent Decrees Post Seattle and Louisville."

2007: Justin Bathon, for his proposal "State Anti-Bullying Attempts: A Review of State Policies, Legal Standards and Literature."

2006: Joseph Oluwole, for his proposal "Re-examining the Constitutionality of Prayer in School in Light of the Resignation of Justice O'Connor."

Professor William Trent accepting the 2009
Emerging Scholar Award on behalf of Amarachuku Chioma Enyia
from SIG Chair Mario Torres.