Professional Development Opportunities

Mentoring Network

Mentoring: The SIG is seeking mentors and mentees to participate in our mentoring network. If you feel like you have the capacity to mentor early career researchers, PhD students, or even mid-career faculty looking to move into administration (for example) please reach out to Risto.

Have a mentoring question? We have set up a way where SIG 93 members can request career related help from our community of scholars. Dr. Emily Jones (Illinois State University) has agreed to step into the role of “mentor connector.” What this means is, if you have a career related question you’d like to get feedback on you can reach out to Emily and she will pair you up with a SIG member who has shown interest in mentoring. These don’t have to be long-term mentoring relationships, although they could grow into them if both parties agree. Maybe you want advice on how to get through a tough politically charged scenario in your university that you need a fresh take on, or you want to talk to someone outside of your university about the pros and cons of going on the job market. This mentoring network will be there to help.