AERA Executive Director Search Moves Forward with Member Input

August 2024

The Executive Director Search Committee under the able leadership of AERA Past Presidents Deborah Loewenberg Ball (2017-2018) and Na'ilah Suad Nasir (2021-2022) is seeking AERA member input on the AERA Executive Director position and the most important opportunities and challenges for the association and the field of education research looking ahead. A member survey is being launched as August Highlights is released, and members are encouraged to respond to a dedicated e-mail box directed to the search committee chairs. The survey includes an opportunity to advance the names of potential candidates.

Dr. Felice J. Levine, AERA Executive Director, announced in June that she would not be seeking a sixth term. The June issue of Highlights included an open letter from AERA President Janelle Scott and Levine that also announced the search committee co-chairs. The July issue of Highlights provided a further update. The official launch and position announcement will be released by the end of September and disseminated through Highlights. The position is expected to be filled in summer 2025.